Father of Cuban political prisoner Walnier Luis Aguilar denounces irregularities in appeal trial

Wilber Aguilar stated that in the cassation trial the judges did not let the young people who wanted to defend themselves speak.

Wilber Aguilar con su hijo Walnier y su nieta © Facebook / Wilber Aguilar
Wilber Aguilar with his son Walnier and his granddaughter Photo © Facebook / Wilber Aguilar

This article is from 1 year ago

The Cuban guyWilber Aguilar, father of the political prisonerWalnier Luis Aguilar, denounced this Thursday a series of irregularities in the appeal trial of the young protesters of July 12 in La Güinera, Havana.

In a direct message published on Facebook, Aguilar stated that in the cassation trial, in addition to the invention of charges by prosecutors, the judges did not let the young people who wanted to defend themselves speak.

"My son asked to speak, and so did I because on Cuban Television it was stated that in the trials they would allow family members to express themselves. It is a lie, they did not give me the right to speak and they told my son to be silent," he said.

He argued that "when the prosecutor got tired of inventing charges," the prisoner Rolando Fleitas shouted that theaccusations were false and he was taken out of the court along with his mother, who tried to defend him.

Direct from Wilber Aguilar on Facebook. Video capture.

Another prisoner who claimed that they were sitting on the floor when the police attacked them was interrupted by the judge, who told him "that he didn't want to hear the same story again, that I should tell him something new," Aguilar explained.

In his address he also denounced the situation that pushed all the young people of La Güinera to demonstrate on July 12 to ask for changes and freedoms.

"Many had their children sick without medicine when they decided to go out to protest," he stressed.

"After July 11, they began to build houses, but the houses they have to build are those of those young people who shouted 'Freedom' for living in bad conditions, forgotten, in a neighborhood at the mercy of God and marginal," he expressed indignantly.

"They shouted 'Freedom' because they couldn't take it anymore. The lawyers made it clear that there was never sedition," said Aguilar, who confesses that at night he finds his wife crying in the living room of the house where he lives with his little granddaughter. .

In a message addressed to the Cuban prosecutors involved in the sentences against the protesters of July 11 and 12, he stated: "You have the papers of those young people whose families are suffering. There was no criminal there, none had a record, none has ever killed. to anyone, nor has he taken a cell phone."

At the end of your message,The Cuban father questioned the dignity of those who administer justice in Cuba, and the new Family Code promoted by the regime.

"Where is the dignity, preparing a Family Code when they force us to lie to our grandchildren. I tell my granddaughter that her father is for work, because I cannot tell her that her father is in prison for an injustice they committed," he stressed. .

Aguilar, whose house was besieged in recent days by the repressive forces of State Security, has been one of the most active parents in the fight for the liberation of the so-called youth of 11J.

Walnier Luis Aguilar Rivera, 21 years old, is one of the more than 30 political prisoners convicted for participating in the demonstrations in the La Güinera neighborhood, in the Arroyo Naranjo municipality, on July 12, 2021. They accused him of sedition and imposed a 23-year sentence. of deprivation of liberty, despite being a person with a disability.

Holguín lawyer Erelde Mulet Sarmiento recently stated that the sentences against the protesters of the so-called 11J on the island are up to 34 times more severe than those of some assailants at the Moncada Barracks on July 26, 1953.

When making a comparison between the processes against the attackers of the Santiago de Cuba military barracks, which left 19 dead, and the 11J protesters, the lawyer considered that an injustice has been committed against more than 600 Cubans, which the judges and prosecutors involved are responsible.

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