Feminist platforms on the denunciation of political prisoners: "Forcing an abortion is a crime"

State Security is pressuring the 25-year-old girl to have an abortion, the family denounced.

Mellizas de Placetas © Facebook
Placet twins Photo © Facebook

Independent feminist platforms reminded the Cuban regime that it is illegal on the island to force a person to have an abortion, following the recent complaints by 11J political prisoner Lisdani Rodríguez Isaac, pregnant in a prison in Villa Clara.

The gender observatory "YoYesTeCreo in Cuba" stated inFacebook that "forcing to have an abortion is a crime", following the public complaint made through her family by Rodríguez Isaac, who claims that State Security pressured her to undergo an abortion.

The woman is "unjustly imprisoned in El Guajamal, Villa Clara, due to the massive demonstrations of #11J", and is seven weeks pregnant after a conjugal visit with her husband, also a participant in the historic anti-government protests of July 11, 2021, known as 11J.

Publication inFacebook

"We remember that in Cuba it is illegal to force a person to have an abortion, whether or not they are deprived of liberty, in accordance with the Penal Code in force since 2022," the publication states.

Likewise, remember that Order 7 of 2016 Regulations of the Penitentiary System, in articles 70 to 73, establishes that in places of detention, primary and dental care is guaranteed for pregnant people with national health programs."

The regulations "hold the Medical Services body of the Ministry of the Interior responsible for this activity, according to article 70."

Placetas twins, Lisdany and Lidiani.

Yo SíTeCreo in Cuba urges that these commandments be fulfilled in the case of Lisdani, and that the young woman receive all the care contemplated in the Maternal and Child Program from 10 weeks of gestation.

Lisdany and her twin sister Lidiani are 25 years oldand are being held in the Guamajal women's prison, in Santa Clara, where they are serving a sentence ofeight years of deprivation of liberty for participating in the 11J protests.

Bárbara Isaac Roque, mother of the young women, said that "Lisdany and her husband, after years of waiting to have a child, had a meeting in the conjugal pavilion and, to the surprise of both, she became pregnant with a much-desired child."

"She has never been pregnant in her life and coincidentally at this bad time she comes to get pregnant and she doesn't want to take it out. She is six weeks old, almost seven. And they are not giving her good food there. There are no medications, there is nothing," she denounced Mother.

I affirm thatState Security is putting pressure on the inmate so that it miscarries.

"Now State Security wants to force her to remove the child. She told me that she does not want to remove the child. She feels very bad. There is no gravinol for dizziness. She does not have any medicine inside. They are not attending, because they want to force her to take it out," he stressed.

Recently, the United Nations has defended the cause of the twins in the accusatory letter sent by four Special Rapporteurs and the Working Group for Arbitrary Detention.

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