Omar Franco celebrates his first year in Miami: "Cuba hurts me. It still hurts me"

The popular actor celebrated his first anniversary in the United States since “El Show de Carlucho.”

Omar Franco en “El Show de Carlucho” © Captura de pantalla / YouTube
Omar Franco in “El Show de Carlucho” Photo © Screenshot / YouTube

This article is from 1 year ago

The Cuban actorOmar Franco is celebrating its first of the year in Miami and has done so since “Carlucho's Show”, an occasion to remember the most important moments of this new stage of his life and share his feelings about Cuba.

During the programUnivista TV hosted by Cuban comedian José Pérez Córdoba, known asCarlucho, Omar Franco began by thanking him for the opportunity he gave him to enter this space.

“Occupational therapy” is how he defined his presence in the program during this first year.

The actor who played the popularRupertin the humorous"Live the story" of Cuban television, assured that “El Show de Carlucho” helped him join that great team that the comedian has managed to form. “It has been a house,” he said.

“I, who have been able to work with the entire range of comedians, from the most exalted, the most intellectual, to even the most ordinary, and I tell you from the bottom of my heart that you have managed to make a team. Not aall stars, a team,” Omar Franco told Carlucho in this Wednesday's broadcast of the program.

During the conversation, the space came to light“The Winery Made in Cuba” that airs during the show.

In this humorous segment, directed by Omar, other Cuban comedians participate such asNelson Gudin andGelliset Valdés, whom Carlucho also welcomed to the program upon their arrival in Miami, as well asAndy Vázquez andDiego Álvarez Tan, “Cortico”.

Omar Franco also confessed that this year has gone well for him and he has “zero regrets,” although he recalled that he and his family experienced two very sad moments due to the death of his father and father-in-law.

Among the most significant minutes of the conversation were thestatements by the actor about his country: “Yes, Cuba hurts me. it still hurts me”.

“To those who are haters here and there, instead of worrying about criticizing us, let them one day sit down and criticize that great Cuban Parliament that loves the Cubans so much and is not capable of saying to all those leaders, "They also live well, where are the billions that Russia gave for the country's energy problem," he said, addressing the regime's supporters.

“Why 1.5 billion spent on hotels in Cuba when not even 40% of the houses in Cuba for Cubans are built (…) How much is the budget of the Ministry of the Interior and the Armed Forces, because this last year after 9/11 "July, they have been more concerned with repressing the people than with solving the people's problems," questioned Omar Franco.

“I am also going to continue fighting for the freedom of political prisoners, young boys who came out to express themselves, that is why they have to be told thatIt's a dictatorship. I know that the doors are closed to you because they are the owners of that property, butThe least I can do as an artist is express what I feel.", made clear the comedian, for whom the cause of Cuba has not been foreign sincearrived in Miami last year.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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