Guatemala stops caravan with Cuban migrants

Guatemalan authorities allowed only 121 migrants to enter the country for humanitarian reasons, but there were no Cuban citizens among them.

Caravana de migrantes © Twitter / Migración Guatemala
Migrant caravan Photo © Twitter / Immigration Guatemala

This article is from 1 year ago

authorities ofGuatemala They arrested this Saturday a caravan of about 400 migrants, among whom were Cubans, at the Corinto border post, in the department of Izabal, located on the border with Honduras.

The caravan was made up mostly of Cubans (although the number was not specified), Venezuelans and Haitians, according toreported the Guatemalan Migration Institute (IGM). There were minors and pregnant women, whose care was prioritized, and medical assistance was provided to migrants who needed it.

The group was detained at kilometer 301 of the village Entre Ríos, in Izabal, by a contingent of riot police and soldiers.

The IGM began a dialogue to seek immigration solutions and people were informed about the requirements for entry into Guatemalan territory. Subsequently, 121 migrants were allowed access to that country for humanitarian reasons, but none of them are Cuban, according to data provided by Migration.

As reportedPress mediaAlejandra Mena, spokesperson for the IGM, reported that the rest of the migrants were returned to Honduras because they did not have legal documents to enter Guatemala.

"They have been informed about the refugee process, however, they indicate that they need to transit only in order to reach Mexico and later the United States," he announced.

Newspaper reports also indicated that the Guatemalan government had activated a migration assistance protocol after intercepting the caravan, suspecting that another large group could enter Guatemalan territory from Honduras in the same way. "It is estimated that there is another group that would be entering the country in the next few hours," the authorities said.

Currently, with the arrival of new groups of undocumented immigrants at that border point, the authorities continue to provide information on the established requirements and some people voluntarily return to Honduras.

So far in September, theIGM has prevented the access of hundreds of migrants, among them Cubans.

In the current unprecedented migration crisis that Cuba is experiencing, thousands of residents on the island are seeking to reach the border with the United States to request asylum. On the southern border, border with Mexico,19,057 Cubans crossed in August.

From October 1, 2021, when the current fiscal year (FY2022) began, until August 31, almost 200,000 Cubans entered the United States through its land borders.

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