David Rodriguez Fernandez, the defender of the Cuban regime who attacked the activistClaudio Gaitán Garmendia in Spain,was convicted for his act of harassment and must compensate the injured party, according to a ruling by a Valencia judge.
“This could be a ruling by the courts in Cuba if we had a true rule of law. But what is failing in Cuba are the Power Plants, the System and everything else, of course, if we continue letting a Caste run the country like a farm," the activist said this Thursday in hissocial networks.
The sentence, handed down by the Court of Instruction No. 14 of Valencia, considers Rodríguez Fernández responsible for a “Minor crime of injuries”for attacking the Cuban activist and trying to snatch his mobile phone while transmitting a complaint on social networks against the activity prepared by pro-Castro organizations and the Cuban Consulate in Barcelona.
“I must and do condemn David Rodríguez Fernández, as the author responsible for a minor crime of injuries provided for and punished in art. 147.2, C.P., to a fine of one month, with a daily quota of 6 euros, with the total amount of 180 euros, with the subsidiary personal responsibility of one day of deprivation of liberty for every two daily quotas not satisfied, which may be fulfilled through permanent location, or one day of work for the benefit of the community for every two unpaid installments,” the ruling indicated.
Likewise, it establishes that the convictedcompensation to Gaitán Garmendia “by paying the amount of 80 euros, plus the legal interest increased by two points of that amount from the date of this resolution until its full payment.” In addition, he is ordered "to pay the procedural costs."
“Justice, although it limps, rarely fails to catch up with the criminal in its career,” said the Cuban activist, quoting Horacio and dedicating the sentence issued by a Spanish court “to the people who were violated on27ENE by the still Minister of Culture in Cuba,Alpidio Alonso and his lackeys.”
Rodríguez Fernández, president of the José Martí Cultural Association of Valencia, attacked the Cuban activist on January 28 of this year, during a peaceful demonstration in which he participated along with other members of theCuban civil society in exile fordenounce the existence of minors in prison for political reasons.
“David Rodríguez, author of the slapwhich reminds Alpidio Alonso Grau, who was also General Coordinator of @esquerraunida in the Valencia Country and a public school teacher, was found guilty and will have to pay compensation of €80, when the sentence becomes final," the activist explained at the end of the trial.Salomé García Bacallao, one of the coordinators of the group Justicia 11J.
The incident for which the Spanish sympathizer of the Cuban regime is convicted occurred in front of the headquarters of Esquerra Unida del País Valencia, and had as its context a tribute to José Martí organized by Cuban pro-government associations in Valencia. On the day of the trial, in mid-November, the aggressor brought a delegation and photographer, as can be seen in the account ofTwitter of the Association.
At the moment that Gaitán Garmendía was explaining how the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution are an apparatus of repression in Cuba and denouncing the presence of political prisoners on the island, including minors, Rodríguez Fernández tried to snatch the phone from him with a slap of his hand.
“If the experience I lived in Spain, seeing how Justice was done, seemed like another world to me, I don't want to think what I will feel when Justice does its true work in Cuba. This man who is sentenced today is the type of person that the Cuban consul in Barcelona hangs out with,” said the activist.
In addition, he took the opportunity to send a message of mobilization to Cuban civil society. “The Dictatorship is not going to fall, we are going to overthrow it!” said the activist, calling to actively participate in that objective and indicating that not participating in the municipal elections this Sunday would be “a step to see that Cuba that was lost to Pablo in life, that Cuba that many have dreamed of.”
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