Motorists in Santiago de Cuba ask for a tough hand against thieves

Dozens of users claim that a wave of violent motorcycle thefts has broken out in that province and criticized the authorities' apathy in this regard.

Motoristas en Santiago de Cuba © Granma
Bikers in Santiago de Cuba Photo © Granma

This article is from 1 year ago

Motorists from Santiago de Cuba denouncedthe increase in robberies with violence and even murders to steal their equipment and demanded that the authorities take a tough line with the thieves.

“Government of Santiago de Cuba, they are destroying the motorists and no one is doing anything to make this stop. Please, we ask the highest authorities in the province to take action on the table with these murderers and motor thieves,”asked the user Alex Mustelier, in a post published in the Facebook group “Motorcycle parts in Santiago de Cuba.”

Facebook “Motorcycle parts in Santiago de Cuba”

Mustelier's publication was commented on by dozens of users who confirmed the alarming nature of the situation, reported several recent assaults, and criticized the authorities' apathy in this regard.

“Yes, bro, they told me that on Calle A and Avenida de Sueño they killed someone when the power went out yesterday, damn it,” lamented one user.

“The day before, when turning from the Palace of the Pioneers, before 9 pm they hit one of them with a pipe and took his motorbike,” reported another.

For the user Yordanka Barrera, the little action of the authorities in the face of this wave of assault contrasts with the intransigence with which they were convicted.the 9/11 protesters.

“It was easy if it was to condemn those of July 11 and now with all these assaults and murders Santiago is unable to go out on the street. What do they do? Please. government of Santiago and super president stop this now,” he ironized.

Heincrease in violence and wave of assaults It is not exclusive to the province of Santiago de Cuba, in the context of the deep economic crisis that the country is going through.

On February 6,two thieves attacked a family at the door of their house in Marianao, Havana, and his motorcycle was stolen.

One of the affected people, identified as Dayana Sosa, wrote to this newsroom to give visibility to her case and ask for help to capture the criminals and recover her vehicle.

According to the owner of the motorcycle, two men grabbed her husband by the neck, attacked him and knocked him to the ground. One got on the motorcycle while the other suffocated the victim.

Recently,Residents in Camagüey also warned of the increase in thefts of electric motorcycles in that province.

"Be very careful with unscrupulous beings who, instead of doing good for society, are dedicating themselves to assaulting people on motorbikes; the time doesn't even matter anymore, it may be early morning or it's barely dark," warned Internet user Dory Pérez in the Facebook group "BUS & TRUCK ACCIDENTS, for more experience and fewer victims!".

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