Government of Cuba proposes to stabilize the electrical system in 2023

Four years after the beginning of the last energy crisis in Cuba, which initially made Cubans fear the return of a new “special period” - and has now overcome those fears - the Cuban regime promises to stabilize the SEN throughout this year.

Ramiro Valdés y Manuel Marrero Cruz durante la reunión © Captura de video / Canal Caribe
Ramiro Valdés and Manuel Marrero Cruz during the meeting Photo © Video Capture / Canal Caribe

The government that heads Miguel Diaz-Canel, who surely He will be re-elected on April 19 for a period of another five years in power, it is proposed to stabilize the national electricity system (SEN) in 2023.

Four years after the beginning of the last energy crisis in Cuba, which initially made Cubans fear the return of a new “special period” - and has now overcome those fears - the Cuban regime promises to stabilize the SEN throughout this year.

This was stated this Tuesday by the authorities during the annual balance of the Ministry of Energy and Mines, a meeting that was chaired by the prime minister. Manuel Marrero Cruz, and in which there was talk of “better exploiting internal potential”, “recovering systematicity and demands at work” and “fighting illegal mining, the theft of electricity and the transfer of fuel”.

In tune with these empty goals and slogans typical of the regime's rhetoric, the ministry that directs Vicente de la O Levy, also proposes to “increase exports” of nickel and other minerals, as if these deposits had been recently discovered.

A review of the meeting published by Cubadebate points out that the situation of the national electro-energy system was a point widely debated at the meeting, in which “the strategies drawn up for its stabilization” were put on the table.

In that sense, De la O Levy spoke of the need to “ensure the base generation of thermoelectric plants, as well as to invest increasingly in the implementation of renewable energies.”

Since 2014, the Cuban regime claims to have a plan to build 19 bioelectric plants. Since 2004 he embarked on lthe so-called “energy revolution” of the late dictator Fidel Castro Ruz based on the electricity generation provided by 73,420 generating sets and Venezuelan oil.

The list of plans and objectives could go on… They all resulted in the current situation, which could be defined by the implosion of the SEN, the total ruin of the country's thermoelectric plants due to breakdowns and lack of maintenance, catastrophes with fatalities and million-dollar losses, fuel shortages, massive blackouts - even becoming total on three occasions - and the inability of the authorities to stop this spiral of destruction and offer an efficient service to Cuban consumers.

Consumers who are citizens without rights, but they pay for electric service with devalued money by those responsible for the crisis in Cuba, which ranges from electricity generation to the creation of any other public goods. A crisis that has caused the first protest demonstrations under the repressive totalitarian regime and the largest migratory exodus in the history of the country.

“Even with the difficult financial situation, we must maintain the maintenance and plans outlined. This ministry has demonstrated the quality of its staff. It is fair to recognize its workers, who, facing the lack of financial and fuel resources, have spared no effort to ensure that there is no shortage of electricity. We know that the SEN requires investments to achieve greater stability“Marrero Cruz said this Tuesday.

Feeling the support of senior leadership, the general director of the Cuban Electrical Union (UNE), Alfredo Lopez, repeated the same empty speech with which the regime masks its incompetence and placed emphasis on “a higher level of demand in work systems and greater stimulation of personnel.”

“We made a recovery program for December and another for the holidays to improve energy availability. As already explained, in the coming months the CTE Guiteras will join, as well as the Carlos Manuel de Céspedes de Cienfuegos. At the same time, other works are being carried out at the Moa and Energás sites,” he commented.

The director of the Havana Electric Company, Mario Castillo, pointed out the need to reduce losses in distribution systems, especially those related to illegalities.

And the general director of Cubapetróleo, Nestor Perez Franco, said that they will make investments in 2023, "among which the exploitation of new wells in the northern part of the West to increase the accompanying gas stands out, as well as advancing research into new oil additives that allow for higher quality crude oil." national".

About the death of two workers and the injuries of two others caused by the collapse inside the chimney of the CTE Antonio Guiteras of Matanzas, nothing was said at the meeting. EITHER the official press He believed it was necessary to leave him out of this triumphalist coverage that promises the distressed Cubans the stability of the SEN in 2023.

What do you think?


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Ivan Leon

Graduate in journalism. Master in Diplomacy and RR.II. by the Diplomatic School of Madrid. Master in RR.II. and European Integration by the UAB.

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