American communists travel to Cuba to participate in May Day

"Welcome guys. Cuba welcomes you with open arms, despite shortcomings and difficulties," Díaz-Canel greeted them on social networks.

Integrantes de la delegación © Twitter / @PeoplesForumNYC
Members of the delegation Photo © Twitter / @PeoplesForumNYC

In the middle of the greatestenergy crisis of the times of “continuity”, a delegation of150 American communists traveled to Cuba to participate in May Day and tour the circuit carefully prepared by the Havana regime.

“As young leaders in the United States we want to affirm our right to learn, exchange and build with the Cuban people, who live under cruel sanctions and remain on the list of State sponsors of terror for no credible reason,” said the activist.Manolo de los Santos, co-executive director of the organizationThe People’s Forum.

De los Santos, who has already been to Cuba on previous occasions, in which he has been received by the rulerMiguel Diaz-Canel and participated in the official television program “Mesa Redonda”, he claimed the “right to learn” of the delegation visiting the Island - the largest of its kind in decades, according toLatin Press.

“Welcome guys. Cuba welcomes them with open arms, despite shortcomings and difficulties. We believe in the American people, diverse and supportive, who respect and understand us. It's what you represent. See you on May 1,” Díaz-Canel wrote on Twitter.

This Tuesday, the delegation would attend a panel on human rights in Cuba held by the Casa de las Américas in the morning. The “heavy agenda” will include “the Latin American School of Medicine, capital neighborhoods in transformation, scientific institutions and the CenterFidel Castro“said the official agency.

As if the burden of indoctrination were not enough with the above, the young American communists will travel to Santa Clara to see other young people and pay “tribute to the Argentine-Cuban guerrilla.”Ernesto Che Guevara and his fellow fighters, in the Mausoleum that keeps his remains there.”

Three air-conditioned buses will travel the 300 kilometers that separate Havana from Santa Clara; that is, 1,800 kilometersand their corresponding liters of gasoline, so that young people learn and reproduce the myths and legends of the so-called “Cuban revolution.”

The “cursillo” will include the workers' apotheosis of May Day, where amazed visitors will be able to parade “in the popular celebration for International Workers' Day.” Although perhaps the next one will be the least brilliant and most unpopular of the propaganda acts in this critical stage of the regime.

The next day, in its desire to learn more, the delegation will attend a solidarity meeting with Cuba, which will be held at the Convention Palace,place where he was recently “re-elected” as president the heir designated by the dictatorRaul Castro.

In case you see lines to buy gasoline or food, in case you see the prices of everything in Cuba, the students' food trays, the dilapidated hospitals that ordinary Cubans go to, in case you ask due to inflation or if there are political prisoners, the apprentices of Cuban communism will always receive the regime's favorite answer, and the instruction to repeat it:"it's the blockade's fault".

What do you think?


Filed in:

Ivan Leon

Graduate in journalism. Master in Diplomacy and RR.II. by the Diplomatic School of Madrid. Master in RR.II. and European Integration by the UAB.

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