Sales of bread begin at 60 pesos in state bakeries of Sancti Spíritus

They sell 100 gram soft crust bread for 30 pesos and 200 gram bread for 60 pesos per unit.

Venta de pan © Escambray
Bread sale Photo © Escambray

Four bakeries of the Cubana del Bread chain in Sancti Spíritus began selling breads for 60 pesos, a product that was not being offered due to a shortage of flour and raw materials.

This bread is expensive for Cuban workers and many will not be able to afford it, but for others it is the only way to guarantee a snack for their children or something solid to put in their stomach for breakfast.

HeGobierno de Sancti Spíritus This production began in cooperation with importing MSMEs, to be able to offer bread in special bakeries, because the state is not capable of guaranteeing the necessary raw materials.

Leonardo Ramos Moreno, director of the Cuban Bread Base Business Unit in the province, toldEscambray that the measure increases the costs and price of food, but will remain in place "until the national economy recovers and the usual production rhythm can be resumed."

Ramos indicated that thesale of bread at 60 pesos It is a "pilot test". He assured that this is a differentiated product that had never been offered in this way before and said that "depending on demand" and the "availability of raw materials", they will assess whether the sale can be expanded to other territories.

The four bakeriesThey only sell two types of bread, one with a soft bark of 100 grams that has a value of 30 pesos and another of 200 grams at 60 pesos per unit.

The Sancti Spiritus government had warned a few weeks ago that this is the only way to market bread in thespecial bakeries. They established work or cooperation agreements with some micro, small and medium-sized companies (MSMEs) so that they provide the flour and they can make the bread.

The lack of bread is throughout Cuba. At the end of April, a woman in Havana complained about the price of"flute bread" or "flautin", since it exceeds 70 pesos. The huge price increase leaves many families without access to this important food.

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