June quota stolen from another Cuban winery

In less than 48 hours the police recovered the stolen objects and they were returned to the warehouse for distribution to the population.

Bodega cubana (imagen de referencia) © Captura de Youtube / Canal Caribe
Cuban winery (reference image) Photo © Youtube Capture / Canal Caribe

Neighbors of Manicaragua, in Villa Clara, saw the distribution of regulated products corresponding to the June basic basket interrupted after a warehouse in the town was robbed.

The violent robbery occurred in a Ciro Redondo establishment, in Manicaragua, where "several products from the basic basket" were taken, according to what was revealed in theaccounttitled "Maximus Romus", one of those that the MININT usually uses to promote a benevolent image of the Cuban police.

Captura de Facebook / Maximus Romus

The official website reported that in less than 48 hours the police recovered the stolen objects, although it was not specified exactly what they were.

The products were found in the home "of an antisocial element in the area," as the site described the perpetrator of the robbery.

After the return, they were distributed to the population as part of the basic basket corresponding to June.

In recent times, this type of theft of food products intended for regulated sale has been a trend.

During the early hours of Sunday, a robbery at the Dulcita winery, in Havana's Vedado, where they stole all the rice that corresponds to the regulated June quota and part of the sugar.

After recognizing the crime, an official from the Ministry of Internal Trade (MINCIN) in the Plaza de la Revolución municipality said that it was one more robbery, of the many that occur in the country, normalizing a situation that shows the escalation of crime in Cuba.

In February of this year, abodega de Marianao caught fire, presumably intentionally, to extract the oil that was stored inside.

The incident destroyed many of the foods that were there, at a time when acquiring food is extremely difficult and prices are unaffordable for many Cubans, a product of shortages and inflation.

At the end of 2022, news spread of aHavana winemaker that he stole food from the basic basket that is sold rationed, to escape the country, a fact that affected hundreds of families, who were left without food for the month, a few days before the end of the year.

In February of this year, a warehouse in Marianao was set on fire, possibly intentionally, to extract the oil that was stored inside.

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