Most famous Cuban soft drinks: Flavors that are no longer there

In the midst of the current crisis in Cuba there is practically no place to have a soft drink and when they appear, it is at a very high price.

Malta Hatuey / Refresco Ironbeer (Publicidad de la época) © Facebook Nostalgia de Cuba
Hatuey Malta / Ironbeer Soft Drink (Advertising at the time) Photo © Facebook Nostalgia for Cuba

On a hot Cuban day, few things are more desirable than having a cold soda. Arriving home, taking off your shoes and uncovering a bottle with its bubbles bursting on your lips, was something very close to the happiness that people no longer even remember in Cuba.

On the list of "memories of yesterday" were the flavors of drinks As the Jupiña, the Materva, Cawy Lemon, he Ironbeer which they said had its enhancing virtues, the Bella Matancera, Piñita, the Malta Hatuey, among others.

Materva Advertising / Facebook Nostalgia for Cuba

Something as simple as sitting down to drink and enjoy a carbonated soft drink, it is a difficult thing for the average Cuban today, because there is no offer and the little that is found has a very high price. Until the guarapo of cane It's already past history!

Trademarks from the 1950s have not disappeared from the memory of the Cubans, because it is not just a flavor, but an experience, memories that are related to our social life, with the ways of enjoying the small pleasures that make existence rich and happy.

Coca-Cola truck in Cuba / Facebook Nostalgia for Cuba

"Ironbeer"the soft drink of those who know how to drink" was sold for 5 cents. The same thing happened with Coca Cola, when he had its factories in Cuba.

Who doesn't remember the Hatuey malt with condensed milk? Lethal combination for diabetics, but delicious to refresh and sweeten your mouth.

The revolution eliminated commercial advertising of these soft drinks and even changed the name of many of them, but he was unable to remove them from people's memories.

Cawy Bottles / Facebook Nostalgia from Cuba

In the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s you would occasionally have a soda on the street, or buy it and save it for big moments at home; or you shared a rum and cola with friends, but in 2023 this does not exist. It is part of the past for thousands of Cubans.

Even newer brands like Tropicola, tukola, I regret it and Ciego Montero de Limón, are not available to many people on the island. They are not found in the markets or have an exorbitant price and you have to prioritize something else that really nourishes you, at meal time.

No more carbonated drinks in Cuba, no more the pleasure of feeling bubbles in your mouth. It's time to drink cold water with sugar, whoever can.

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Gretchen Sanchez

Branded Content Writer at CiberCuba. Doctor in Sciences from the University of Alicante and Graduate in Sociocultural Studies.

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