José Daniel Ferrer's family manages to see him after months incommunicado and denounces his alarming physical deterioration

This Saturday, the Undersecretary for Hemispheric Affairs of the State Department, Brian A. Nichols, demanded through Twitter the immediate release of José Daniel Ferrer, detained "in inhumane conditions in Cuba."

José Daniel Ferrer, su esposa e hijo © Facebook / José Daniel Ferrer García
José Daniel Ferrer, his wife and son Photo © Facebook / José Daniel Ferrer García

The family ofJose Daniel Ferrer managed to see him in prison this Friday after several months of incommunicado detention and denounced the alarming physical deterioration suffered by the opposition leader of thePatriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU).

"This afternoon the dictatorship of Raúl Castro and Díaz-Canel attested to the life of José Daniel to his wife and two children and we have been as alarmed and horrified as we have been since yesterday when we heard the strong, serious and very serious statements of Mrs. Laura Jusino about the critical state of health in which she is," said the sister of the political prisoner,Ana Belkis Ferrer García.

Facebook screenshot / José Daniel Ferrer García

In one of his directsocial networks, Jusino reported that Ferrer was very delicate after a beating received in April. “He is a poor skeleton,” said the activist, who denounced other systematic torture that the regime's repressors apply to the opponent, who already has difficulty speaking.

The prisoner's wife,Nelva Ismaray Ortega Tamayo and his children found Ferrer “in his underwear, with difficulty walking, severe pain in his hands, arms and legs, extremely thin, with toothaches and loss of vision.”

“José's body is full of lesions, to such an extent that he did not want to hug the child so as not to infect him with the bacteria that he has had on his skin for months,” said his sister. “José Daniel told his wife and daughter that during the months of April and May he could not walk and now he does so with great difficulty,” he added.

According to the testimony of Jusino, who refused to reveal the identity of his source, Ferrer's health situation has become a state matter for the regime, which has been pressured by the international community and Cuban activists to give faith of life of the opponent. According to him, at this moment he is in a worse state of health than in previous hunger strikes by the UNPACU leader.

“With horror, his daughter and wife heard José Daniel say that in recent days he was taken from the Mar Verde prison and taken to the Clinical Surgical Hospital in the city of Santiago de Cuba with the apparent purpose of extracting one of his damaged teeth, but It was only to be tortured once again. It turns out that they removed a healthy tooth and the sick ones did not touch them. A G2 agent later went to his cell to mock and threaten him, saying that 'everything he was going through was avoidable, that he just had to agree to leave the country,'" Ana Belkis denounced.

After the visit, Ortega Tamayo released an emotional audio in which she assured that her husband “is being killed.” In that sense, he shared his fear that he was being poisoned through the water or medications provided by his jailers.

“It is completely confirmed that my brother is being murdered in the slowest, most perverse and cruel way that can exist. In the midst of such a difficult and worrying situation, he sends his message of gratitude to all the supportive people, friends, brothers in struggle and ideas, the media, institutions and governments who love justice. He states that he does not lose hope of making it out of such hell alive, but if he does not make it, remember that he was always willing to give his life for the freedom of his people,” shared Ferrer's sister.

This Saturday, the Undersecretary for Hemispheric Affairs of the State Department,Brian A. Nichols, demanded through Twitter the immediate release of José Daniel Ferrer, detained “in inhumane conditions in Cuba.”

“After months of deprived contact, his family reports that Ferrer's condition is serious. Their peaceful protest of11J It does not merit cruelty or imprisonment. #PrisonersWhy”, concluded the US official.

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Ivan Leon

Graduate in journalism. Master in Diplomacy and RR.II. by the Diplomatic School of Madrid. Master in RR.II. and European Integration by the UAB.

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