Human Rights Foundation calls for freedom for prisoners of conscience in Cuba

The organization recalled the case of Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, whose physical condition continues to deteriorate in prison.

Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara © Facebook / Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara
Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara Photo © Facebook / Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara

Human Rights Foundation (HRF) asked the Cuban regime to release Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara and everyone prisoners of conscience in Cuba.

“HRF calls on the Cuban regime to release Alcántara and all other prisoners of conscience who have been arbitrarily detained for exercising their right to freedom of expression and assembly,” the non-governmental organization said on Twitter.

HRF recalled that at the end of July Otero Alcántara concluded a 15-day hunger strike demanding his release and that he is currently weak and his physical condition continues to deteriorate in prison.

“In October 2021, HRF submitted a petition to the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention on behalf of Alcántara, and just over a year later received a favorable decision declaring his detention arbitrary. But the Cuban regime has not yet released him,” they noted.

Likewise, the organization reported that on July 31, 750 days passed since the arbitrary detention of Otero Alcántara after the historic protests of July 11, 2021.

In addition, they pointed out that works by the artist could be seen in an exhibition within the framework of the Oslo Freedom Forum.

Otero Alcántara's latest hunger strike became another act of resistance and a powerful voice of protest against what he considers unjust detention and restrictions on his freedom of expression and artistic creation.

For more than two years, it has faced numerous obstacles and restrictions from the authorities, which has sparked widespread solidarity and support both nationally and internationally.

This artist has been a prominent figure in Cuba's cultural scene and his voice has been raised to denounce various social and political problems. His bravery and determination in this fight for justice and freedom have made him a symbol of resistance to many.

The arts community, as well as various human rights organizations, continue to urge authorities to address the concerns raised and guarantee the freedom and rights of Otero and all citizens.

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