Cuban government promotes culinary festival in Varadero amid deep food crisis

People cannot find the ingredients to make typical Cuban food dishes because everything is extremely expensive in the country.

The Cuban government is promotingXIII edition of the Varadero Gourmet International Festival, despite being in a deep food crisis in the country.

While the people do not have anything to put on the table, as a result of the scarcity and inflation that the erroneous economic policies ofMiguel Diaz-Canel, the Ministry of Tourism andLisa Cuesta They promote an event that they claim is dedicated to the "safeguarding of Cuban Creole food."

HeVaradero Gourmet International Festivalwill meet at the Plaza América Convention Center from September 20 to 23.

The regime says that the event is "an opportunity for Cuban and foreign enterprises and representations to presentproducts that support services of the main sun and beach destination in Cuba", that is, Varadero.

This year, when many Cubans cannot make even a plate of rice and fried eggs because theprice of a pound of cereal exceeds 150 pesos, the authorities have said that the protagonist of the culinary event will be: "Creole food, cultural heritage of the nation."

In theofficial press They have recognized that the gastronomic event will be held "in the midst of complexities", but they assure that "it will demonstrate the talent and will of those who work and live in Cuba."

Last year the festival was dedicated topromote principles of healthy cooking, sustainability and food sovereignty through conferences, exhibitions, business days and culinary competitions.

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