The political prisoner Angelica Garrido, one of the more than one hundred political prisoners of the Cuban dictatorship, returned to prison this Sunday after a five-day pass granted to him by the authorities.
“I handed her over to her executioners, like someone who plucks and throws a flower to the ground, like someone who rejects a gift. She gave me a kiss and walked away serene, smiling. It seemed that she gave herself to the sea, or that she offered all her Dignity to the Homeland in sacrifice,” said her husband. Luis Rodríguez Pérez.
Angelica and her sister, Maria Cristina Garrido, were detained in the Guatao women's prison for demonstrating on July 11, 2021 in Quivicán. The regime's courts They were sentenced to 3 and 7 years in prison. respectively.
Both María Cristina (42 years old) and her sister Angélica (40) are mothers of three and two children, respectively. At the moment they are in the care of family members.
Both were arrested the day after the historic protests of 11J. Due to harassment in prison, in mid-2022 Angélica suffered facial paralysis. One month after The father of the Garrido sisters died without being able to see their daughters in freedom.
After two years and two months imprisoned, sick and mistreated, the political prisoner received the first permission from the prison authorities last Tuesday to visit her family. This Sunday, her husband accompanied her to the prison with a broken heart.
“Are we leaving?” the driver told me. I did not answer. I was left clinging to the fence wire,” Rodríguez Pérez described the scene.
In its emotional publication, Angélica's husband offered an analysis of the situation of political prisoners in Cuba, as well as the population's feelings regarding the injustices and misgovernment they suffer.
“When I arrived in town, those who didn't go to see her asked me about her, and everyone, absolutely everyone, said goodbye with the comforting phrase: You unfortunate people, you'll pay! And, the murderers know it, they know the feelings of the people and the fear of the people,” said the grieving husband.
According to Rodríguez Pérez, his wife's pass served as a “probe balloon” to the regime, to study the impact that the release or release of the more than a thousand political prisoners who are serving unjust sentences in Cuban prisons may have.
"For this reason, because they are aware of the feelings of the people, they opened the hunting season! The henchmen go through the work centers, telling everyone what they gave 'like' to my previous post, to those who said 'I like' Angélica's illuminated laugh! And not only do they summon them, but they order the administrators to expel them from their jobs!" he revealed.
The pass granted to the activist served as a thermometer for the State Security, who did not hesitate to repress all those who publicly expressed their sympathy and admiration for the brave Cuban protester. Rodríguez Pérez also denounced new threats against his wife, made through inmates instigated by the repressors.
“This little freedom was, among other things, a kind of thermometer "That would help them to assess the multiplication of that experience in other prisoners, and even their parole," considered the husband, thanking the interest of the independent media, many of which tried to contact them.
“Angélica Garrido sends a hug to all of you; thanks you for so many shows of support and so much solidarity. She is simple; He was very surprised by its popularity. In fact, she asked me on more than four occasions, 'What have I done to gain so much sympathy?'" her husband said.
In March, Angélica and her sister denounced that the authorities of the Mujeres de Occidente prison in Havana They had threatened to suspend family visits, after you, along with other imprisoned women, They will sign a letter in blood demanding that the Cuban regime release the political prisoners.
“Angélica, walk away. Walk slowly. The briefcase he carries is enormous and is very heavy on his shoulders. He takes a few steps, stops. Move forward again. 'Angélica, what are you wearing there? ‘Stones?’, a prisoner who was sweeping the street jokes with her,” described Rodríguez Pérez.
“Dignity!” I shouted. Angélica Garrido carries all the Dignity of a people!”her husband responded from the fence. “The guard guarding the door was frightened by my scream, and sought refuge in their sentry box. And from a mango tree, a flock of pigeons took flight towards Freedom.”
More than 100 women remain imprisoned in Cuba for political reasons, according to the non-governmental organization that promotes human rights. Cubalex on the occasion of last March 8.
That entity prepared a list with the names of the political prisoners and denounced that at least 114 Cuban women are separated from their families for dissent.
Of the total number of women prisoners of conscience in Cuba, 58 are serving sentences for peacefully demonstrating during the social outbreak of July 11, 2021.
Cubalex warned in its report that this is an under-registration, since "it is impossible to know exactly the total number, when the Cuban government does not allow access to information about people deprived of liberty."
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