Cuban students obtain bronze medals in the Ibero-American Mathematics Olympiad

Karla Yisel Ramírez Garcell, from the IPVCE Vladimir Ilich Lenin, from Havana, and Ricardo Miguel Molano Domínguez, from the IPVCE Mártires de Humboldt 7, from Artemisa, earned bronze medals for their performance in the contest.

Cuban students Ricardo Miguel Molano Domínguez and Karla Yisel Ramírez Garcell Photo © Facebook/Ministry of Education of the Republic of Cuba

Two Cuban students obtained thebronze medal at the XXXVIII Ibero-American Mathematics Olympiad (IOM), held in Brazil.

Karla Yisel Ramirez Garcell, from the Vladimir Ilich Lenin Pre-University Vocational Institute in Exact Sciences (IPVCE), in Havana, andRicardo Miguel Molano Dominguez, from the IPVCE Martyrs of Humboldt 7 by ArtemisaThey deserved the bronze medal for their performance in the contest that brought together contestants from Latin American countries, Spain and Portugal, from September 6 to 12.

Capture from Facebook/Ministry of Education of the Republic of Cuba

The IOM is held every year in September, since its creation in 1985, and seeks to stimulate the study of mathematics among young people in Ibero-American countries.

Recently, otherscuban students They have also staged successful performances in Olympics in various disciplines.

The young people Mario Alejandro Pavón Díaz and Patricia Pérez Aguilar won gold medals in the16th Ibero-American Biology Olympiad (OIAB) which was held in Spain the previous week.

Pavón, who is in 12th grade at the IPVCE Silberto Álvarez Aroche, from Granma, obtained theabsolute gold, which is awarded to the contestant with the highest score in the event.

In the same week, two teenagers from Cuba wongold medals at the Central American and Caribbean Chemistry Olympiad (OCACQ), held in San Salvador, in El Salvador.

Diego Armando Martinez Ramirez (Sancti Spiritus) got the winhighest grade of the competition, while Royman Ramos Pérez (Villa Clara) made thebest theoretical exam.

In July, César Endris Acosta Martínez and Erick Jordan Valdés Abreu achievedbronze medals at the 55th International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO 2023), carried out in Switzerland.

Likewise, Ián David Lorenzo García and Dalia Oliver Ballesteros receivedsilver medal in the XXV Mathematical Olympiad of Central America and the Caribbean (OMCC), in El Salvador.

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