Tiktoker says that the "poor food" in Cuba is common and delicious in Spain

He gave an example of recipes for "poor people's food" in Cuba that can no longer be tried on the island.

The Cuban tiktoker Anita Matthew He has surprised his followers with a video where he assures that some "poor people's foods" in Cuba are a very delicious and common delicacy in Spain.

"In Cuba you ate this type of things when you had nothing else to eat, because in Cuba people don't have meat or ham, they don't have anything," the young woman explained and began to detail the dishes she refers to with the term "poor people's food".

"Well, it turns out that in Cuba a poor people's food is he bread with tomato. When you ate a bread with tomato It was because you had nothing else to add to the bread. It was like, 'nooo,' but here that's super famous: 'Bread with tomato' (Catalan). "People love it, it's super popular in Spain," said the young woman.

He also noted in this list the "Bread with oil". He recalled that "in Cuba there is no olive oil", but he highlighted that they used to eat bread with oil and salt when there was nothing else.

"In Cuba we do it with sunflower oil, when there is oil because there is no oil anymore. We took a little bread, we added oil and salt and we ate that, when we didn't have a single egg, or ham, or anything else to add to it," said the influencer and assured that in Spain this "is very normal and is delicious." .

The other "dish of the poor in Cuba" would be the egg. The young woman said that on the island she did not eat it at night, but now she does, she eats the omelette with great pleasure.

"In Cuba many people do not like eat egg at night because the most important food is at that time, the protein, the chicken, the meat. We leave the best to eat at night, but don't make an egg, that's not food," he said.

Anita has been residing in Spain for just over a year and during that time the "poor people's meals" They have changed a lot in Cuba.

The difference that exists between the same dish, in one country and another, is not only in the prices or the way of making them, but above all in the quality of the products, because bread from a Cuban winery is not the same as a Spanish bakery bread.

Currently in Cuba eating a pan alone It is expensive for many people and you usually have to stand in a long line to buy it. Adding tomatoes is a luxury that few people can afford.

The same happens with the Bread with oil, since the supply book quota has not reached many homes in the country for months. Eggs are at very high prices. They were sold a few days ago in Havana at 3,000 thousand pesos 30 units.

If you take into account that the income of a retiree is approximately 1,500 pesos to live for an entire month, it is easy to understand the situation of extreme poverty faced by thousands of Cubans, where eating a French omelette is today a luxury in Havana, for many families.

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Gretchen Sanchez

Branded Content Writer at CiberCuba. Doctor in Sciences from the University of Alicante and Graduate in Sociocultural Studies.

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