Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero signs several bilateral agreements during his visit to China

Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz met with his Chinese counterpart Li Qiang as part of his visit to that Asian nation.

Manuel Marrero en Foro Empresarial “Oportunidades de Negocios Cuba-China” © X/@MMarreroCruz
Manuel Marrero at Business Forum “Cuba-China Business Opportunities” Photo © X/@MMarreroCruz

The Cuban Prime Minister, Manuel Marrero Cruz, and his Chinese counterpart, Li Qiang, signed this Saturday in Shanghai several agreements in the areas of transportation, biotechnology, agri-food and digital television, during the first official visit of the head of the Caribbean Government to that Asian country.

“The close inter-party relations, based on mutual political trust and the coincidence of ideals and purposes, constitute an essential pillar of the ties of friendship and cooperation between #CubaYChina,” he wrote in the social network X the Cuban leader, which attempts a rapprochement with Chinese businessmen.

According to the agency Xinhua Spanish The signing of these understandings seeks to “reinforce mutual political trust, expand mutually beneficial cooperation and achieve more tangible cooperation results, to make greater progress in building a community with a shared future.” China-Cuba”.

Without detailing the conditions under which the signed agreements are established, the Chinese prime minister did highlight that “his country is willing to work with Cuba to take the high-quality cooperation of the Belt and Road Initiative (IFR) as a guide.”

For his part, Marrero Cruz reiterated the joint construction of a China-Cuba community, an idea deepened during the visit of the ruler Miguel Díaz-Canel to that nation in November 2022, in which there is “a shared future” that is born “as a strategic choice in accordance with the fundamental interests of both countries,” he stated.

The visit of Marrero Cruz to China is part of a state tour that will last until November 9, and in his agenda he prioritized Business Forum “Cuba-China Business Opportunities”, dedicated to strengthening and promoting bilateral economic-commercial ties and investments from the Asian giant on the island, where he held meetings with Chinese and Cuban businessmen.

Determined to strengthen ties with the Chinese side, the Cuban regime maintains incessant exchanges with its ally in Beijing. Last August Díaz-Canel and Xi Jinping met in South Africa, on the sidelines of the XV BRICS Summit.

From that meeting it emerged that China will do everything possible to provide support for the economic and social development of Cuba, he reported. Xinhua Spanish.

Also, during the XXX Session of the Intergovernmental Commission for Economic, Commercial and Financial Relations, held in October of this year by the Deputy Prime Minister and Head of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment Ricardo Cabrisas sought to "advance the implementation of the consensus reached during the state visit of Miguel Díaz-Canel to China, in November 2022," he highlighted. Latin Press.

Precisely, during the Diaz-Canel's visit almost a year ago, a group of agreements were reached that cover the political and economic spheres, as well as some donations that included medicines, medical supplies and food. 12 documents were signed.

However, Cuba's second trading partner and with whom there are ties spanning six decades, assured that The Caribbean country no longer has raw materials or other attractions that are of interest to the Asian giant..

At that time the economist Elijah Love said to Cybercuba that “the Cuban communist regime's commitment to China entails risks. Basically, because the Chinese don't give anything for free.”

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