Xi Jinping says that Cuba and China have advanced together in the “construction of socialism”

In his welcome to Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero, Jinping also said that China and Cuba are “good friends, good comrades and good brothers.”

Manuel Marrero y Xi Jinping en Beijing © X/Hua Chunying
Manuel Marrero and Xi Jinping in Beijing Photo © X/Hua Chunying

The president of China Xi Jinping He assured that his country and Cuba have advanced together in the “construction of socialism”, during the reception of the Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

Jinping said that relations with the Caribbean island are “good friends, good comrades and good brothers” who have supported each other in “issues related to their vital interests,” the official agency indicated. Xinhua.

At the meeting, the Asian president ratified the will to continue expanding special relations with Cuba, stated the official account in X of the Havana regime.

Marrero has been on an official visit to China since November 2, which will last until next day the 9th, in the midst of a deep crisis in the Cuban economy, which has not yet seen the fruits of the previous tour that the Cuban president Miguel Díaz-Canel made to that nation in November 2022.

Precisely, during the visit of Diaz-Canel almost a year ago 12 documents were signed and a group of agreements were reached that cover the political and economic spheres, in addition to some donations that included medicines, medical supplies and food.

Marrero's stay in China - the first since he assumed the position of prime minister - is considered a continuation of the meetings held a year ago, and it is expected that he will review the progress of the agreements.

In his reception, the Chinese leader made it clear by reaffirming that his country “adheres to the policy of long-term friendship between China and Cuba and is willing to continue deepening mutual political trust and strategic coordination with Cuba, as well as carry out theoretical discussions and exchanges of experience on party and state governance,” he noted. Xinhua.

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The meeting at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing takes place after the signing of bilateral cooperation agreements in the areas of transportation, biotechnology, agri-food and digital television, the content of which has not been disclosed, and in which Marrero was accompanied by his Chinese counterpart Li Qiang.

Furthermore, this Sunday the Cuban leader participated in the 6th China International Import Expo (CIIE), which was based in Shanghai.

Regarding this action, the Chinese president also said that "he hopes that Cuba will continue to make good use of important platforms such as the China International Import Expo, to bring more specialized products to the Chinese market."

The incessant exchanges between senior representatives of the Cuban government are not limited to those that occur in China. At the same time, there was the signing of a cooperation agreement in the commercial and economic field until 2030 between Cuba and Russia.

The Russian Deputy Prime Minister, Dmitri Chernyshenko, and the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment of Cuba, Ricardo Cabrisas, signed the program to “expand and deepen collaboration in various areas, including the commercial, economic, scientific and technique”, according to the official statement, cited by the Russian media RT News.

The growing rapprochement between these countries has gone beyond the commercial area and has also been installed in security profiles.

In the middle of this year, news emerged about the business brought by the regimes of Cuba and China for the construction of a joint base for military training, which would facilitate the presence of troops from the Asian country in the Caribbean, just 90 miles from the United States.

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