Sixth cold front of the season leaves storms in central Cuba

The sixth cold front of the winter season arrived in Pinar del Río at 4:00 am. This Sunday there will be rain and thunderstorms in the central region and Matanzas.

Lluvias sobre la región central de Cuba © Centro de Pronósticos, Insmet / Twitter
Rains over the central region of Cuba Photo © Forecast Center, Insmet / Twitter

Hesixth cold front of the current winter season arrived in Pinar del Río this Sunday at 4:00 am.

Its arrival in Cuba has caused rain and thunderstorms in the provinces of the central region of the country, affected by a prefrontal storm line since dawn.

According to the Institute of Meteorology (INSMET), after the passage of this prefrontal line through the west, intense rains were reported in some locations on the Isle of Youth.

The most significant values were recorded in Punta del Este (102.5 mm), Cuba Francia (87.0 mm) and La Fe (86.2 mm).

HeINSMET issued a second special notice on Saturday in which it had warned of rain, thunderstorms and coastal flooding, due to an extratropical low that was rapidly intensifying in the Gulf of Mexico and would continue towards Florida, maintaining influence over Cuba.

The images from the meteorological satellite located in Pinar del Río also showed the formation of the cold front with a prefrontal line of clouds, rain and thunderstorms that would affect western Cuba.

Latestpart, issued at 3:00 am, forecasts a predominance of cloudy weather with rains and thunderstorms in the central region and Matanzas from the morning, and showers in inland areas and the northern western coast that will decrease from the afternoon.

TheRains may become heavy in localities in the central region and will extend into the afternoon to the eastern region.

On Saturday they happenedheavy rains in the western region of Cuba caused by an extratropical low which was over the Gulf of Mexico.

Cuban meteorologist Ariel Maturell Salina located the phenomenon about 250 km north of Yucatán, so that day the country woke up with abundant areas of storms and rain over the Isle of Youth and the seas to the south.

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