Strong gusts of wind leave impressive images in Miami

With gusts of up to 45 mph (more than 70 km/h), the wind wreaked havoc on the city, but it didn't stop many of its inhabitants from having fun.

The extratropical low that affected southern Florida and the western region of Cuba, left impressive images of strong gusts of wind that hit the city of Miami.

People pushed by strong gusts of wind, palm trees about to lose their plumes, sailboats stranded on the coast, swimming pools with waves... the images left by the strong wind seemed like those of a hurricane passing through. The events site shared them Only in Dade.

With gusts of up to 45 mph (more than 70 km/h), the wind wreaked havoc on the city, but it didn't stop many of its inhabitants from having fun.

"Storm or no storm, nothing stops the 305"said a social media user on the aforementioned portal, alluding to how many spent bad weather in Miami, also known as 305, because it is the original prefix of the city.

Young people dancing under an umbrella while a torrential rain fell on them, people enjoying a concert, a man in a huge chicken costume riding a mechanical bull and a Santa Claus drinking a bottle were some shared scenes.

The National Weather Service of Miami-South Florida shared on its Twitter account this Sunday a satellite image of the extratropical low over the Gulf and southern Florida.

"While it has been a very soggy and gusty day, our greatest potential for severe weather and flooding remains on track for later tonight with a line of storms developing over the eastern Gulf of Mexico," he said.

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