Cubans create homemade solution to capture the Internet signal

With the ingenuity of the Cubans and their ways of subsistence, they enabled a place in the house so that their telephone can reach the signal.

A Cuban family “brags” on social networks about their curious invention to capture the weak Internet signal provided by the stateCuban Telecommunications Company (ETECSA).

In a video circulating on social networks, the ingenuity of Cubans comes to light when a woman places her cell phone in a doorknob with a cut part and stones to capture the only internet signal available in her home.

“There is food, the food is thrown away here,” the video begins sarcastically and then introduces that the maximum lack is a good signal to connect to the internet.

“The Cuban manages, look, that's where the only thing those phones get a signal,” they indicate in the video that does not specify the place in Cuba where it was filmed.

In itclip shared on the social network TikTok, it is observed that it is in a part of the entrance of the house where the signal is acceptable and they even experiment by removing the phone from that location and the connection is observed disappearing.

The poor Internet connection in Cuba is something that exasperates users, who pay high sums to the communications monopoly in Cuba, ETECSA, for a service that, far from improving, is getting worse and worse.

Last March,Social networks were filled with complaints from Internet users who suffer from the poor work of the state company when trying to connect to the network of networks.

"The connection is so bad in Cuba that I wonder why the hell ETECSA sells services? Don't offer more recharges for the crappy service they provide," demanded user Patricia Montse Serrat.

A year ago,The blackouts affected telephone coverage and internet speed in Matanzas and Sancti Spíritus, reported official sources.

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