They stone public transport buses in Havana

A public transport bus on route P10 in Havana was attacked with stones by a group of teenagers after the driver did not stop at a stop because it was full.

Ruta P 10 La Habana (Imagen de Referencia) © ROGALI/ Flickr
Route P 10 Havana (Reference Image) Photo © ROGALI/ Flickr

A Havana public transport bus, known as P10 that covers the route from Playa to La Víbora, was stoned by a group of young people, presumably for not stopping at one of the corresponding stops.

According to the user identified as Leandro'h Sala'h, “bus 519, on route P10, in Monte Barreto, Playa municipality,” suffered vandalism from several young people who threw stones at the vehicle.

“The driver didn't stop at the stop because he was full. And when we were halfway there, several groups of kids stoned the bus,” described the Internet user in the group ofFacebook Bus & Truck Accidents, where, in addition, he said that the first ones who threw stones were joined by others, which caused the bus to continue on its way.

Facebook Capture/Leandro'h Sala'h

In the comments section of the publication, several Internet users also recounted the unfortunate event.

One of the commentators explained that his father is a driver on that route. “When he entered the stop, a group of young boys began throwing stones in Monte Barreto.", he narrates, while specifying that that area is very dark. “They broke the back glass and the side window and he accelerated to get out of there and avoid injuries to the staff.”

Meanwhile, another user, whose husband was traveling on the bus, specified thatThe young people would be between 13 and 14 years old.

Other forum members expressed their concern that events like these become common on the island, without the rapid action of the police, but above all, without the proper knowledge of the parents of those teenagers who commit acts as repulsive as this one.

In July,The windshield of a state taxi known as "gazelles" was shattered after he was stoned at night from the Alamar bridge, in Eastern Havana.

An alert was also created in the Cuban capital itself, due to thepresence of hooded men stoning cars in the municipality of Marianao, and cause material damage to vehicles.

"The hooded men continue on the street for 100 minutes until they are blind, breaking the defenses of the cars and even throwing stones at them. They take advantage of the stop lights in the rain," warned an Internet user.

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