They arrest a fourth person involved in the murder of a Cuban found dead in Mayabeque

The body of the victim already delivered to the family.

Los cuatro detenidos por el asesinato de un cubano en Mayabeque © Redes sociales
The four arrested for the murder of a Cuban in Mayabeque Photo © Social networks

The official Facebook profile “Fuerza del Pueblo Mayabeque” confirmed this Thursday the capture of the fourth person involved in the murder of the Cuban-AmericanYorgelguis Bolaños Fernández, whose body was found dead this Wednesday.

“The MININT and the people managed to arrest the fourth person responsible. Unfortunately, the family has already received the body and the funeral has taken place.”, indicated the official profile that, as it did with the other three arrested, it spread the photo but did not identify the detainee by name.

“The criminals are arrested and will receive the weight of the law”concluded the official source, who did not offer other details about the circumstances of the discovery of the body nor about the capture of the fourth person responsible, details that have come only through the independent press and the testimony of residents of the area.

Capture of Facebook/Fuerza Del Pueblo de Mayabeque

According to the independent press, the man - husband of the only woman detained - would have been arrested inGuanabo.

Capture of Facebook/Woody Cuban Sheriff

Aylen Fundora, a friend of the victim, indicated in statements toCubanet that the alleged motive for the crime was robbery.

The source told the aforementioned media that on Sunday, January 7, Yorgelguis left his house heading to a private kiosk he had in the area when he lost track of him.

He was last seen when he left the place in his vehicle, which was captured by security cameras while traveling through the San José de las Lajas municipality. His cell phone was always turned off since he was declared missing.

Although official media have not identified those arrested by name, the identity of the only detained woman is known: Dayani Vega Rodríguez.

According to the reconstruction of the events made by YouTubers and the independent press, Dayani Vega was arrested on January 13 after the victim's dismantled car that appeared in San Miguel del Padrón linked her to the events.

Vega Rodríguez was close to Yorjelguis, as she worked or had worked for the Cuban-American, and she even shared on her social networks on January 10 one of the requests for help to find the missing Cuban.

Facebook screenshot/Dayani Vega Rodríguez

According to Niover Licea's story - citing sources familiar with the case - The woman had a ticket to travel to Nicaragua, but her trip was frustrated when she was arrested on Saturday, January 13.

"At the time of her arrest, she declared that her husband and two friends were involved in Yorjelguis' disappearance and that the last time she saw him, he was alive," the YouTuber known as "Woody Alguacil Cubano" indicated on Facebook.

Capture of Facebook/Woody Cuban Sheriff

According to data provided to the independent portalCubans around the World, the suspect participated in a reconstruction of the events that took place in her house, where authorities found burned clothing.

Regarding the discovery of the body, an unofficial version circulates on social networks thatpoint because the body was allegedly found buried in the vicinity of the Institute of Animal Science (ICA).

That version - spread by YouTuber Niover Licea - says that the victim's throat was slit and he received two stab wounds.

In recent days, avideo that showed the moment when an expert checked a car dismantled car found last Sunday in Havana, which turned out to be the victim's striking blue Chevrolet.

It was on January 14 when they went viral on social networksphotos of the car, a blue "almendrón" that appeared dismantled in a garage in Reparto Carolina, in the Havana municipality of San Miguel del Padrón.

Although it was a hard blow for those who thought that the Cuban would appear alive, it allowed them to maintain hope for a miracle, something that unfortunately has not happened after the discovery of the body was confirmed.

Bolaños Fernández resided in Texas, United States, and was visiting the country at the time of his disappearance. He was staying at his mother's house in the Madruga municipality. Born on January 3, 1983, Yorjelguis had just turned 41 when he was last seen. It left on Sunday, January 7 at 9:00 pm and from 11 p.m. From that same day his family did not hear from him again.

Yorjelguis Bolaños was the father of three children, one boy and two girls. The youngest is just four years old.

During the days of agonizing wait, relatives of the Cuban-American even announced the delivery of 3 thousand dollars for "credible signs of life", now they only ask for the death penalty for those involved in the brutal murder.

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