Dismay over the murder of a beloved neighbor of El Caney, in Santiago de Cuba

The Cuban was well known in El Caney, where many have been shocked and hurt by his death.

Alberto, el cubano asesinado este domingo © Redes sociales - Facebook/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada
Alberto, the Cuban murdered this Sunday Foto © Redes sociales - Facebook/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

The murder this Sunday morning of a beloved and popular resident of the El Caney neighborhood, in Santiago de Cuba, has caused deep consternation among his family, friends and acquaintances.

The news was announced on social networks by journalist Yosmany Mayera Labrada who - citing the testimony of residents in the area - indicated that the crime occurred at the entrance of “El Viso”.

The victim's name was Alberto, but he was known as “El Chino” and also as “El Avatar.”He worked in Community Services and was dedicated to collecting garbage in the surroundings of that town.

It is said that he was sick with nerves and that he liked to drink, although everyone agrees that he was a good person.

“He was dedicated to collecting everyone's garbage in El Caney for a little extra money, apart from working in Comunales,” said Yesy Griñan Despaigne, who said she was his neighbor.

“My neighbor was an excellent person, nice and fun, yes, he was half crazy, but the Avatar was a very good person, he collected raw materials for my husband to sell and bring food to his home. It's sad, I saw the murderer with my own eyes and I didn't have a single bit of regret.The murderer is young and I have never seen him around. It is said that he is a babalao and I heard that a few months ago he had been released from prison and is being released with conditions. I just hope he regrets what he did and that God forgives him."added the aforementioned source in the comments section of Mayeta Labrada's publication.

The causes of the dispute are not clear.

"According to what they say, he spit on the murderer and he looked for a knife and a machete, causing multiple stab wounds and injuries, and although they managed to help him, he couldn't stand it and died on the way to the hospital," said one of the sources.

“He didn't spit it out because he wanted to. Yesterday the man took the food from him and he spat on it and sent him running because the other pulled out a knife at him, but the other told him 'I know where you live and he came looking for Alberto,'" the Internet user Elianne clarified. Earthwar.

The murderer would have been arrested by the police, according to Mayeta Labrada, citing the testimony of sources familiar with the case.

"This news is sad. I knew him and he was really a good boy no matter how sick he was. EPD"; "My God, gentlemen, what is happening? By God, Chino died, a great person despite his health situations, funny, a fighter and it was not disrespectful"; "He was always fighting his life to have something to eat for his family," were some comments from relatives sad about the news.

The wave of violence that has afflicted the country in recent months has taken on an important dimension in Santiago de Cuba, where it has even been admitted by the Ministry of the Interior (MININT) as a problem that requires special attention.

At the end of January, a senior official from the Ministry of the Interior in that province recognized, during a meeting with residents of the Abel Santamaría district (El Salao), thepresence of criminal gangs dedicated to "implementing terror" among the residents.

The authorities asked for a vote of confidence from those affected and sent a message to the criminals, warning them that they will be rigorously punished for the acts they have committed.

On that occasion, the senior MININT official referred specifically to the case of young David Enrique Perdomo Álvarez, a 26-year-old lineman whose right hand was cut off by one of those gangs, an incident for which five arrests were made.

However, since then there have been several reports of young people killed or injured by knives for various reasons in Santiago territory.

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