They murder a Cuban to steal his motorcycle in Havana

Walter Mulgado, a 51-year-old father, was murdered in the town of El Rocío. It is not known if the criminals achieved their objective and took the motorcycle.

Walter Mulgado © Walter Mulgado / Facebook
Walter Mulgado Photo © Walter Mulgado / Facebook

A 51-year-old Cuban, father and grandfather, was murdered to steal his motorcycle in Havana.

Walter Mulgado, a resident of the town of Calabazar, Boyeros municipality, died last Saturday, January 13, as reported inFacebook his stepdaughter,Claudia Estrada, who demands justice.

"This is a publication of sadness and a lot of pain. Until when are we going to continue like this, until when will we have to give the news to a mother that her son has been the victim of a homicide, to a desperate wife at home calling her all day and not knowing anything about him, that her husband has been found murdered, to her daughters that their father will no longer see them. How to tell her six-year-old granddaughters that their daddy is no longer among us," she lamented.

Facebook screenshot / Claudia Estrada

"On Saturday, January 13, we suffered all that, the greatest pain I could ever feel. A human being, my stepfather, but more than that, my father was brutally murdered, all to take away his electric motorcycle, a piece of plastic as they say." , he added.

Walter Mulgado was murdered in the town of El Rocío. So far, it has not been determined whether the criminals achieved their objective and took the motorcycle.

A resident in the area revealed to reporter Yosmany Mayeta Labrada that he was a businessman, who "sold pigs for breeding and even household appliances."

Captura de Facebook / Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

"Our family asks for justice, to find those who took the life of that great human being, that excellent man," Claudia Estrada asked.

"When they start to change the laws here and begin to punish those who commit these crimes, killing them and torturing them, it is true that they are not going to give it back to us, but so that they suffer everything they do, and feel all the pain they feel those they kill without thinking about their families and without thinking about anyone. It is incredible that they have no scruples to take someone's life in that way, there is no right, there is none," he added.

Every day new robberies, assaults and violent crimes are reported on social networks, in many of which motorcyclists are victims, in the midst of a climate of insecurity that affects the entire country.

At the beginning of the month, ayoung man was the victim of the violent theft of his motorcycle in Holguín. He was threatened with a knife, although he was not physically harmed.

Keylin Dalmao, the victim's wife, revealed on Facebook that there were three assailants and that one of them grabbed him by the neck. The couple offered a 150 thousand pesos reward for anyone who helped them identify the thieves.

In November, aman was savagely beaten with a bat to steal his motorcycle and the cell phone in the Güines municipality, in Mayabeque.

A short and shocking video that went viral on social networks showed the victim lying on a hospital stretcher, seriously injured and with his head bandaged.

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