Emotional: The first aid arrives for Fernando, the talented pianist from Guanabacoa

The Cuban influencer nicknamed "The Iron Man" brought several gifts and donations to Fernando, who became a viral phenomenon thanks to his talent on the piano.

Fernando, a man with a mental disability and resident in the Havana municipality of Guanabacoa, who this week left thousands of Cubans shocked by hisamazing piano talent, was moved to tears this Thursday when she received the first aid after it was revealed that she was living in poor conditions.

The former boxer Lino Tomasen, known by the nickname "Cuban Iron Man", approached Fernando's place of residence and in the presence of the neighbors He gave him money, clothes, shoes and even some tobacco to smoke, the latter a hobby that the unique Cuban has.

When Tomansen got out of the vehicle and explained that he was bringing him help, Fernando remained silent and could not hold back tears of emotion.

"Can I tell you something? I'm not a human being, I'm a Martian...", was the first thing Fernando said through tears and amidst his neighbors' expressions of joy over the gifts.

The man then complained about people who have denied him even a glass of water or playing a piano... a moment that The Iron Man took advantage of to make public the request for a piano, a piano that Fernando will apparently have in his possession. this same Friday.

"I want to play in a place to satisfy requests", he said, visibly excited both by the gifts and by the promise that the most desired gift will soon arrive.

Meanwhile, on networks New piano performances continue to come to light by this Cuban who - although known to the residents of Guanabacoa -In just a few days he has earned the love and admiration of thousands of others throughout the country.

"When I play the piano, I don't think. The day I think about the piano, I don't play it. I do it because I like it"Fernando said in recent statements collected by the nun who made him known.

"I am a human being who seeks for people to cleanse their souls of problems."When someone sees me play the piano, they want to live 10 more years," he added.

Help for Fernando

There are several open fronts of help for Fernando. Internet user Lisandra Martín also launched a petition to help him.

"The idea is to give him the opportunity that perhaps he never had, to get him on track, to positively change his life. And of course, to delight us with his music", wrote Martín on social networks, who in a publication asked for support to tune a piano.

"Someone who knows how to tune a piano is needed to help boost the career of this pianist with special needs in Havana. If anyone can help us, contact us 55057111 or write in the comments box," he added.

In another publication, Lisandra Martín asked for material support to cover some specific needs of the unique pianist. Specifically, he asked for shoes, bedding, toiletries, canned and packaged foods, and kitchen supplies. Anyone who wants to help can contact 55057111.

"We are still looking for an expert to help us tune a piano to give Fernandothe possibility of creating a club for the enjoyment of the people that generates income with which they can have a more dignified life"Lisandra Martín reiterated.

In recent days, Fernando's musical performance on the piano - spread on social networks by Sister Ariagna Brito Rodríguez - left thousands of reactions and comments praising the talent, the freshness and spontaneity of a scene that also left many lessons.

"When everything seems lost... except music and your love for it", the nun wrote next to the images.

Resident in Guanabacoa and - according to what they say - the son of a piano teacher, Fernando went a lot to play at the "Guillermo Tomás" conservatory in the municipality where he resides, which has been the cradle of great musicians. People who have known him for years say that he himself studied at that school when he was young and that his instrument was the guitar.

However, the deterioration of his mental condition has led him to live in extreme poverty.

"Fernando deserves a sponsor... with his talent he lives on the streets with his little dog. He lost his entire family and was left alone.He lives in a room in a precarious situation. Today they do not let him enter the Guanabacoa House of Culture because his mental health is deteriorating.", wrote Internet user Lisset Pérez Morera on Facebook, who thanked the nuns of the Church of Santo Domingo for the support given to Fernando.

Capture from Facebook/PM Lisset

"I believe that if this video reaches the right hands, that man's life can change forever", an Internet user stated in recent days, and fortunately her premonition seems to be on its way to becoming a reality.

Facebook Capture/Sor Ariagna Brito Rodríguez

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