Car overturns on the Central Highway of Cuba while passing through Sancti Spíritus

Apparently, it is a Hyundai i10 rented for tourists, which ended up almost falling into the Jatibonico del Sur River, at whose mouth Christopher Columbus celebrated the first mass recorded in the history of Cuba.

Imágenes del accidente © Facebook / Accidente Buses & Camiones
Images of the accident Photo © Facebook / Bus & Truck Accident

A car suffered an accident on the Central Highway of Cuba, while passing through the province ofHoly Spirit and ended up overturned out of it, a few meters from falling into the Jatibonico del Sur River.

"Right now. Central Highway, Jatibonico-El Majá section,” reported a user from the group ofFacebook ‘Bus & Truck Accidents. For more experience and fewer victims!'

Screenshot Facebook / Bus & Truck Accidents

Photographs shared in their publication showed the state in which the vehicle was left, apparently a Hyundai i10 intended for rental for tourists, although this editorial team has not been able to confirm this.

With the body dented, the small utility vehicle was a few meters away from falling into the waters of the Jatibonico del Sur River, which runs through that town and which has the particularity of being the protagonist of the first mass known in Cuba, celebrated at its mouthChristopher Columbus on July 13, 1494, on the occasion of the voyage along the south coast of the island.

The car was rescued from the river bank, apparently hoisted with steel cables pulled by another vehicle. It was finally transported on the cargo bed of an old Jeep nicknamed "The Beast."

In July 2023, a tragic accident that occurred in the town of Las Tosas, in Sancti Spíritus, cost the lives of four people, including two minors.

The catastrophe occurred when a family traveling in a private trucktried to cross a swollen river on a bridge without railings, according to a statement from the Ministry of the Interior (MININT), cited by the newspaperEscambray.

There were 10 people traveling in the vehicle. During the crossing, the driver lost control of the truck, which left the road and was swept away by the waters, with all its occupants.

Tragedy cut lives short ofKeduar Hernandez Alba, four years old;Aldo Rodríguez Alba, 15;Marta Abreu Madrigal, 67 years old, andAlexander Rojas Diaz, 45. They all resided in the city of Sancti Spiritus.

According to the official version of the events released by theCuban News Agency (ACN), the 10 people involved in the incident were gathered near the area known as Yayabo Arriba, in the Popular Council of Las Tosas.

Realizing that rain was imminent and could be intense, they decided to leave the place and boarded a 1955 GMC truck to return to the city.

The vehicle reached a stream that crosses the Vista Hermosa farm, but the water, due to a flood of the tributary of the Yayabo River, "passed cloudy over the bridge without a railing located on the road," the note explained.ACN.

Recently, an accident on the Cuban National Highwayleft at least three dead and several injured, after the collision of a tourist car and a harrow loaded with oranges in the province of Sancti Spíritus.

The fact, reported by the independent mediaCuba Time, occurred at Kilometer 349, in the Sancti Spiritus town of Taguasco.

The report says that the accident occurred when a passenger car collided with a harrow loaded with oranges that had passengers on top of the load and was completely overturned on the side of the road.

Residents in the area stated in the comments to the publication that at least three people died and that there were several injured, but their number was not specified.

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