US Coast Guard returns 10 Cuban rafters

The Cubans were detained 50 miles from Matanzas, in international waters.

Guardia Costera © X/USCGSoutheast
Coast Guard Foto © X/USCGSoutheast

The United States Coast Guard (USCG) repatriated 10 Cuban rafters who were detained in international waters about 55 miles northeast of Matanzas.

U.S. authorities said the rafters were returned to Cuba on Thursday following the interdiction.

Just five days ago the USCG also handed over to the island's Ministry of the Interior another 28 migrants, who were intercepted about 30 miles southeast of Dry Tortugas.

"The Coast Guard is committed to deterringillegal maritime migration"Coast Guard District Seven warned on Twitter.

On January 19, acruise ship also rescued Cuban migrants at sea who had been adrift for several days, without food or water, and were handed over to the services of Border Guard Troops in the Caribbean nation.

During the last fiscal year, which began on October 1, 2022 and ended on September 30, 2023, nearly 7,000 Cubans were intercepted by the US Coast Guard.

Cuba is going through an unprecedented wave of migration exacerbated by a serious economic crisis, rampant inflation and growing dollarization of the economy. In 2022, it is estimated that 4% of the Cuban population left the country.

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