Cuban motorcyclists fear going out at night: "They kill you for stealing your motorcycle"

"The problem is not that they take your motorcycle, it's that they take it from you and stab you, they hit you with a machete and they are not one, they are a pile," said a driver.

Cuban motorists reported that they are afraid to go out at night due to the increase in crime, which has already claimed the lives of several of them who have been assaulted to steal their means of transportation.

Drivers interviewed by the independent portalCubaNet They regretted recent incidents of violent assaults that make them reconsider whether it is feasible to drive at night or in lonely places, and one of them even stated that after 7:00 pm he does not go out on his motorcycle, he prefers to take a car, even if it costs him a lot. further.

"We are already afraid to go out at night. We can't go anywhere, because we are afraid that they will take our motorcycle at a traffic light. The issue is not that they will take it away from us. The problem is that they will take your motorcycle and they will drop you. They stab you, they hit you with a machete, and they are not one, they are a pile," declared one.

Several drivers agreed that it is very easy to sell the motorcycles on the black market due to the lack of registration.

"Almost all cars have papers, electric motorcycles have almost no papers, almost none have a license plate, they can be disassembled and sold easily. The die-cut of the motorcycle where the registration is, that is easily removed and you can put another die on it," he described other.

The motorists asked that the police take action and take care of ensuring safety on the streets and pursuing criminals.

"The force of order is seen when it affects a particular institution, if it does not affect it, nothing happens, and that is what we are suffering now. The only way they see the action is if it affects a State institution," stressed one .

Another referred to the need to strengthen the fight against drugs: "Everyone knows that young people go directly there," he recalled.

TheCuban motorists have called to unite in the face of the unstoppable increase in assaults, and they assured that calling the police "is for pleasure."

Roberto Gelabert, member of the Facebook group "BUS & TRUCK ACCIDENTS for more experience and fewer victims!", asked "to all unite and teach a lesson to all the shameless ones who do not see or value the sacrifice that one has to make to have a electric vehicle".

Gelabert stated that "the police are for pleasure, they are only there to repress the people and not to retaliate with the matter," and asked the motorists not to let themselves be taken as easy prey.

"Let's create a group and go out into the streets to retaliate for ourselves," he reiterated.

Last week a51-year-old man, father and grandfather, was murdered to steal his motorcycle in Havana. The victim, identified as Walter Mulgado, lived in the town of Calabazar, Boyeros municipality. It is not known if the criminals achieved their objective and took the motorcycle.

This same weekThey assaulted a woman in San José de las Lajas, Mayabeque, to steal her electric motorcycle. The thieves knocked her down and took the vehicle; luckily, the victim was not harmed.

Last Sunday, around midnight, ayoung man was stabbed in Camagüey by a criminal who stole his motorbike.

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