They assault a Cuban woman in San José de las Lajas to steal her motorcycle: "The criminals don't believe in anyone"

The violent robbery occurred this Tuesday in the municipality of San José de Las Lajas, in the province of Mayabeque.

Moto que robaron (i) y La dueña de la moto, quien fue asaltada (d) © Collage Facebook/Lisi Abreu
Motorcycle that was stolen (i) and The owner of the motorcycle, who was assaulted (d) Photo © Collage Facebook/Lisi Abreu

A woman was the victim of the violent theft of an electric motorcycle while she was traveling through town this Tuesday.San José de Las Lajas, in the province of Mayabeque, as reported by the daughter of the affected woman on social networks.

“Right now at 7:00 p.m. They knocked my mother off her motorcycle. Thank God they didn't do anything to her. Please, I need anyone who sees this motorcycle out there to call 53462820 or 56218124,”denounced on Facebook the young Lisi Abreu, who took the opportunity to alert drivers of the increase in violence.

“By the way, I want to call attention to all those people who have a vehicle.Be very careful, because the criminals do not believe in anyone.”said the young woman, who was grateful that despite the theft of her mother's vehicle, nothing happened to her.

Lisi Abreu did not provide any other details about the exact location of the robbery nor did she indicate whether it was one or several assailants. Nor did he allude to the physical characteristics of the aggressor.

Facebook Capture/Lisi Abreu

Concern about the increase in violent robberies against motorists is general throughout the country.

In recent days, Cuban motorists called for unity in the face of the unstoppable increase in assaults in the country, where they assure thatcalling the police "is for fun."

Internet user Roberto Gelabert, through the group ofFacebook "BUS & TRUCK ACCIDENTS for more experience and fewer victims!", expressed his concern about the issue and asked for unity to teach a lesson to thieves, who do not see or value the sacrifice that people have to make in order to have a means of transportation. own transportation.

"The police are for pleasure, they are only there to repress the people and not to retaliate with the matter," he said about the weak support of the authorities in the face of complaints of vehicle theft.

In the comments section of the publication, several Internet users pointed out that the theft does not stop because then the motorists themselves buy parts stolen from others without worrying about the origin of these parts, for which they surely "assaulted, killed or mutilated someone to obtain them." ".

In the last year, complaints ofrobberies against motorists and assaults of all kinds that in many cases have claimed several fatalities or serious injuries.

A few days ago the death of Walter Mulgado, a 51-year-old motorcyclist living in the town of Calabazar, in the Boyeros municipality of Havana, made headlines.was murdered to steal his motorcycle.

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