Blender and clothes stolen from a lawyer's patio in Havana

The victim sent a message to the thief: "I imagine it must be very easy for you to live off the work of others without working. I am completely sure that you will pay for it."

Manuel Viera  © Manuel Viera Porelcambio / Facebook
Manuel Viera Photo © Manuel Viera Porelcambio / Facebook

A resident in Havana denounced the robbery of a mixer and several items of clothing in his house his, his wife and his daughter, and sent messages to the thief and the police.

Manuel Viera, a lawyer by profession, recounted in his profile Facebook that on Thursday they entered the patio of his home and took him a blender that he uses to prepare his training shake, as well as clothes and shoes that had been washed, including the one he uses to exercise and with which he spends almost all day .

"For you, thief, I imagine it must be very easy for you to live off the work of others without working. Generally life takes its toll because of that. I must warn you something, poor unfortunate, something that I was warned once many years ago between tobacco, stones and chains: whoever harms me always suffers consequences, always receives what they deserve, it is something that never fails. I am completely sure that you will pay for it and I do not hate you, in fact, I wish you not to suffer more than you deserve," he warned.

Manuel, who usually publish strong criticism of the regime on the Internet, for which he has been cited by State Security, demanded that the police stop persecuting those who criticize the system and persecute those who truly cause harm with their misdeeds.

"Police, try to do your job. Invest less time in turning people who do not want communism into criminals and look for more effective means to combat the real criminal, the one who today, in almost total freedom, steals, assaults, hurts and kills," he explained.

Facebook screenshot / Manuel Viera Porelcambio

Finally, he sent his best wishes to both the criminal and the police officer.

"No matter how much you run, hide, avoid... the justice of life always reaches you," he concluded.

Last week, a resident in Ranchuelo, municipality of Villa Clara, indignantly denounced the continuous robberies that he is suffering in the yard of his house.

Ali Valladares, mother of two children, said that four months ago, when her husband left the country, two or three unscrupulous people have not stopped sneaking into her yard and have taken chickens and rabbits, and finally they have stolen a lamp.

"One day they are going to fall, because sooner or later divine justice reaches everyone and the evil they do is paid for. I know you are even going to read this. They had to wait until my husband was gone before they entered my yard, because They had never gotten involved," he said.

The young woman lamented that she and her neighbors are the ones who have to watch the block due to the increase in crimes, and revealed that she even had to sell her motorbike because she cannot stay up all night, since she must work and take care of her children.

This week, the young Manuel Bring Llanes, who more than 15 days ago suffered a robbery at his home in Granma, reported the poor police investigation and asked law enforcement to get to work.

Manuel said that the thieves took his motorcycle, cell phone, laptop, $5,000 and other belongings.

Despite the time that has passed, the police still have no clues to catch the thieves, no suspect and they have asked the victim to "wait and see what happens."

"I have to continue waiting for some fingerprints they took. This happened in Manzanillo, the fingerprints are processed in Bayamo. In my case they couldn't take the canine pair because they say the dog was sick. Supposedly there is only one dog in the police," he commented.

Manuel feels outraged by the mistreatment of the officers, the lack of information and the lack of professionalism of the police.

"I don't know what they are doing, if they don't work, if they are in cahoots with the thieves... Because they have a database with the fingerprints on the identity card," said the young man.

The police have asked the victim to "tell them if you find out anything."

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