Four arrested for an incident in which a young Cuban was stabbed in a Holguín restaurant

The violent incident occurred in a well-known restaurant in the main municipality of Holguín.

Patrulla de la policía cubana (i) y Entrada del restaurante 1720, en Holguín (d) © Collage Wikimedia - Facebook/Palmares Holguín
Cuban police patrol (i) and Entrance of the 1720 restaurant, in Holguín (d) Photo © Wikimedia Collage - Facebook/Palmares Holguin

A total of four people were arrested in connection with a violent incident that occurred at a restaurant in the city of Holguín, according torevealed the official Facebook profileHunted hunter.

The version spread by the aforementioned source is vague and assures thatA young man was stabbed during a fight "due to personal problems", which started inside the "1720" restaurant., located on Frexes Street with Miró corner.

The stab victim was taken to a hospital where he underwent surgery, although there were no fears for his life.

In a practice that has become common in official profiles such as the one mentioned above, the source identified those arrested by name and released the faces of three of them.

In the comments section of the post,Several Internet users unanimously attacked the Facebook profile for telling an incomplete and distorted version of the story.

In fact, at least four different Internet users agreed that one of the alleged detaineesHe was the initial victim of the theft of his phone while in the restaurant, which would have sparked an altercation with diners at another table.

According to several sources who related the events in a similar way, it all started with the theft of a phone from a young man who was sharing the establishment with his friends, and who appears in Cazador-Cazado's version as one of the detainees.

The young man, named "Yasser", "came out in 1720 to have fun and have a few beers with his friends. Some boys who were behind him steal his phone and that's where the argument begins. One of the friends who was with him They go in to defend him and they stabbed him in the back. They take the boy to the hospital and he and others go to the hospital to see how they can help and see how the friend is, when suddenly those two appeared with a board. They hit him everywhere and broke his head. He was saved because the patrol arrived," explained one Internet user.

A similar version was given by Yanicet Brioso Leyva.

“I think that before speculating about a fact, the right thing to do is to find out the details well or to have witnessed the facts.Before putting names in public, you must know who is the victim and who is the perpetrator.And let it be known that I do not support violence or animal behavior, but the story is not as they tell it here," he noted.

"Yes, the incident was organized in a public place, but due to the loss of a telephone that I still do not know has been recovered and it is not known what fate it took, and the appropriate authorities did not put an end to the problem at the time either, becauseYasser Antonio T. P. was brutally beaten with a board at the Lenin hospital by the same people who previously stabbed the other young man (David) and ended up with six stitches in his head and several bruises on his body. That was where the police detained the others, in the hospital, in a public institution in which such behavior should not be accepted. So, the truth be told correctly," he concluded.

"I am a faithful follower of Cazador-Cazado and I applaud when the forces of order take evildoers and criminals out of circulation, but in this case the story is not told as it was, it is true that there was a fight, the cause? the theft of a cell phone to Yasser Antonio.In that fight his friend David was stabbed. When he took him to the hospital there, the aggressors went there and there in that hospital they attacked Yasser, they gave him a large wound on the head and blows all over his body and that is where the police stopped them. This young man, who is the victim, should not be exposed publicly in this way. I would also like to know how people with knives can access a center like this. It is necessary for the page to be a little deeper in its investigations so that it continues to enjoy prestige and credibility," wrote Dorys Carralero Castro.

The unanimous rectification in this case of the official version of events puts the Cazador-Cazado Facebook profile between a rock and a hard place, which usually uses more emoticons than words to tell about the miraculous resolution of police cases, always in a relaxed tone. and playful.

Beyond the forms, the question is how much truth there is in each of their stories.

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