Cuban woman accused of stealing 5,000 euros from a tourist in Santa Clara

The alleged thief is linked to other criminal acts.

Cubana acusada de robo de 5,000 euros © Facebook/Fuerza del Pueblo
Cuban accused of theft of 5,000 euros Photo © Facebook/Fuerza del Pueblo

A Cuban woman was arrested and accused of stealing 5,000 euros from a tourist in Santa Clara, Villa Clara, according to official profiles linked to the Ministry of the Interior (MININT).

The Facebook profilePower of the People, dedicated to whitewashing the work of the Cuban police amid the criticism they receive for the passivity of their actions in the face of the increase in violence and robberies in the country, said that on February 3, a foreign guest who was Rented in a hostel in Santa Clara, he was the victim of a robbery.

Facebook/People's Force

They robbed the man of 5,000 euros and a cell phone, indicated the aforementioned source, while narrating that the events occurred after the alleged thief was sharing with the victim in a bar located near the Periódico Vanguardia.

“He took the key to the hostel out of his pocket, and later entered said home,” he said.

When identifying the alleged thief, the profile named her as Keily Contreras, although they were confused in the photo they published, an issue that was corrected by comments on the publication that accused the profile of not respecting the person's privacy, despite the reprehensible act committed, which was not questioned either.

According to the source's clarification, "(the photo) of his sister was used, it has already been corrected, thanks to the comments and alerts that some users made to us, however this case is real and the author of this theft is Keily Contreras Mato ”.

Facebook/People's Force

They added that the alleged thief confessed her participation in the robbery committed abroad and "another similar robbery is currently being investigated, in which she could also be involved."

“Now she will be prosecuted for the crime of robbery with force and with correctional work she will have to amend her antisocial and deplorable actions,” they indicated.

This Friday, the profile itself reporteda man who was arrested in Santa Clara for being the author of several robberies at the "Marta Abreu" Central University of Las Villas.

The suspect, named Lázaro and known as “Pirolo”, had entered a store located in the sports center of the educational institution and took several LED lamps, which he was already selling for 8,000 pesos each; four galvanized zinc windows, a sanitary tax, three rolls of electrical cables and a decoder box.

When carrying out a search at his wife's house, located in the Callejón de los Patos area, the Police found all the stolen items and, as they usually do in these cases, returned them in a political event to which teachers and students of the center.

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