Cuba and Puerto Rico! Gente de Zona, El Carli and Dale Pututi prepare collaboration with Nio García and Casper Mágico

After more than a year, "Lágrimas de Champán" will have a new version with Puerto Rican artists Nio García and Casper Mágico.

Musical bomb is coming!Gente de Zona, El Carli and Dale Pututi They have allied themselves with Puerto Rican reggaeton artistsNio García and Magical Casperfor a new version of"Champagne Tears", a song that the Cuban exponents launched more than a year ago.

It was the Cuban artists themselves who announcedthe remix of "Lágrimas de Champán" with images from the filming of the corresponding video clip, where we can see all the performers of the long-awaited collaboration.

For now, it is unknown when the release date of this musical bomb is. But it seems that El Carli is clear: it will be the remix of the year, according to what he put on his Instagram stories, where he posted several videos sharing behind the scenes with his colleagues.

Do you want to listen to the song?

Here we leave you the original version of "Lágrimas de Champán", which they released in November 2022.

What do you think?


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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