Haiti: Plane bound for Cuba shot at Port-au-Prince airport

Escalation of violence in Haiti. Plane bound for Cuba was hit by bullets at Toussaint Louverture International Airport.

Andplane to Cuba received gunshot wounds in theToussaint Louverture International Airport from Port-au-Prince, in Haiti this Thursday, in an attack by armed groups in the capital.

The day was marked by the growing violence in Port-au-Prince. The plane that was prepared to fly to Cuba was hit by gunfire in a series of events that has put airport authorities and the local population on alert.

The incident caused shock and panic among employees and travelers at Toussaint Louverture International Airport. Local reports indicate that shots from automatic weapons were heard in different neighborhoods of the metropolitan region of Port-au-Prince, including the city center.

This atmosphere of insecurity and chaos was evident at the airport, where the consequences of the armed confrontation had a direct impact on flight operations that are suspended.

Local media claim that different areas of the airfield were damaged by the projectiles, including windows, waiting room chairs and, more alarmingly, the cabin of a plane that was preparing to depart for Cuba. Despite the seriousness of the incident, no fatalities have been reported so far.

Facebook Schera Etienne

As a precautionary measure against the prevailing chaos, airlines decided to cancel all scheduled international flights to and from the United States, and domestic flights from the emblematic Haitian airport.

Sunrise Airways, one of the affected companies, announced the suspension of its operations until the security situation improves, highlighting the importance of safeguarding the integrity of passengers, equipment and crews.

The attacks coincide with the absence of the country's Prime Minister Ariel Henry, who is on an official visit to Kenya, tasked with finalizing details about sending amultinational mission to Haiti, authorized by the United Nations.

The situation in Haiti remains extremely volatile, with urgent calls from the international community to restore order and ensure the safety of citizens.

This episode at the airport constitutes another reminder of the security crisis facing the Caribbean country and highlights the vulnerability of critical infrastructure to armed violence.

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