Cuban disguises himself as a mechanic and is arrested stealing from a Havana workshop

The Cuban Government recognized this week that there is a sustained increase in crimes in the country.

Detención de presunto ladrón © Facebook La Palabra Imperfecta
Arrest of alleged thief Photo © Facebook The Imperfect Word

In a context of increasing crime in Cuba, a peculiar case has captured public attention in Havana, when a man disguised himself as a mechanic to steal car parts.

The young L. C. A. M., posing as a UEB worker at the Calvario Terminal, was discovered stealing various items from a mechanical workshop, such as hose clips, electrical cables, hydraulic hoses and even bus seats.

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According to the Facebook profile La Palabra Imperfecta, which shares information aligned with the ruling party, the alleged criminal was "caught red-handed" by the employees of the mechanical workshop.

Theft, an increasingly frequent crime in the country, did not take place this time, thanks to the vigilance of the workers. The alleged thief was immediately handed over to the police, who took him to the Capri Station in Arroyo Naranjo and filed charges against him.

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This incident summarizes the situation of insecurity faced not only by the inhabitants of Havana but throughout Cuba.

Recently, another event has been reported in Santiago de Cuba, where thetheft of food from a warehouse local, exacerbating the already critical situation of access to basic products suffered by the population.

This weekManuel Marrero Cruz recognized before the Council of Ministers that there is a "sustained increase in crimes".

The prime minister said that the containment and reduction of these criminal acts does not depend solely on the Ministry of the Interior, pointing out a lack of "comprehensiveness" in the actions of the responsible institutions.

In what is considered a national priority, the government has set out to correct these "distortions" and revitalize the economy over the next year, although the details and effectiveness of the proposed measures are still questionable.

The news of these thefts and the government response raise questions about the State's ability to guarantee the security and well-being of citizens amid the growing economic and social difficulties that Cuba faces.

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