Mother of Cuban murdered in Mayabeque asks for justice: "We cannot have peace of mind"

"My son was murdered and that is why I believe that all of us together have to ask for the death penalty for these cases," asked Ana Luisa Fernández, mother of the Cuban-American found dead after missing for 10 days.

Ana Luisa Fernández y su hijo Yorjelguis Bolaños Fernández © Facebook de ambos
Ana Luisa Fernández and her son Yorjelguis Bolaños Fernández Photo © Facebook of both

Ana Luisa Fernández, the young man's motherCuban-American who in January was murdered in Mayabeque to rob, asked for the death penalty for those who killed his son and criticized the insecurity that exists in the country.

"I don't know how long we can continue with what is happening, it is very sad that we cannot have peace of mind, my son was murdered and that is why I think that all of us together have to ask for the death penalty for those cases," he asked.

"Here I leave you the photos of my son's murderers, justice for my son, death for his murderers," he expressed in the group ofFacebook "Denouncing crimes in Cuba."

Facebook screenshot / Ana Luisa Fernández

Ana Luisa is the mother of Yorjelguis Bolaños Fernández, theyoung man from the Madruga municipality who disappeared on January 7 when he left in his Chevrolet, and whose body was found ten days later.

The troubled mother stated in the comments section that it is not fair that her son's murderers are still breathing when they took his life.

"I don't think that with a life sentence they will pay, in fact they will never pay for the loss of my son, but those animals get used to everything. That's why I don't think they will suffer, the death penalty is what I ask for," he stressed.

Last January, after the discovery of the lifeless body of Bolaños Fernández, hisRelatives asked on social networks for the death penalty for the four involved in the crime, because they believe that only then will there be justice.

"Let them suffer and let them be shot. So that their death does not go unpunished they have to die. With prison they do not pay for this damage that these bastards did," Saray Calvo Marrero, the victim's partner, wrote on Facebook.

"Let justice be done. Their very young daughters carry immense pain, let them be shot," Yudelmis Reyes, mother of two of the deceased Cuban's daughters, also wrote online.

"I need everyone to share. We demand that the Cuban authorities give the death penalty to these murderers who committed such a horrendous and planned crime. That the death of my cousin Yorjelguis Bolaños does not go unpunished, nor that of any other Cuban citizen." Yurien Bolaños wrote on Facebook.

The Police managedarrest the four involved - a woman and three men - in the death of Yorjelguis.

The official profile "Fuerza del Pueblo Mayabeque" spread the photos of those arrested, although it only revealed the name of the woman: Dayani Vega Rodríguez.

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