Relatives of a Cuban murdered in Madruga ask for the death penalty for the guilty: "Let justice be done!"

"Let justice be done. Their very young daughters carry immense pain, let them be shot," said the mother of two of the deceased Cuban's daughters.

La víctima, Yorgelguis Bolaños Fernández © Redes sociales
The victim, Yorgelguis Bolaños Fernández Photo © Social networks

Behind thediscovery of the body of the Cuban-American Yorgelguis Bolaños Fernández, whose body was found lifeless this Wednesday after remaining ten days in an unknown whereabouts, relatives of the victim have asked on social networks for the death penalty forthe four involved in the murder, because they believe that only then will there be justice.

"Please, I only ask for justice, that they suffer and that they be shot. So that their death does not go unpunished, they have to die. Prison does not pay for the damage that these bastards did.", wrote on Facebook Saray Calvo Marrero, partner of the victim.

Facebook capture/Saray Calvo Marrero

"Let justice be done. Their very young daughters carry immense pain, let them be shot", he also wrote on networksYudelmis Reyes, mother of two of the deceased Cuban's daughters.

Facebook Capture/Yudelmis Reyes

"Now we can praise, because their work is finished. I hope that now they will quickly receive the maximum sentence. In order for them to pay, they had to be shot", reiterated Yudelmis in another publication that reproduced the text disseminated by the official press about the capture of the fourth person involved in the murder.

Facebook Capture/Yudelmis Reyes

"I need everyone to share. We demand that the Cuban authorities give the death penalty to these murderers who committed such a horrendous and planned crime.May the death of my cousin Yorgelguis Bolaños not go unpunished, nor that of any other Cuban citizen. We want the death penalty for those involved", wrote on Facebook Yurien Bolaños, another relative of the victim.

Facebook capture/Yurién Bolaños

So far only the identity of the only detained woman has been revealed:Dayani Vega Rodríguez, who was close to Yorjelguis, as she worked or had worked for the Cuban-American, and even shared on her social networks on January 10 one of the requests for help to find the missing Cuban.

Dayani Vega was arrested on January 13 after the victim's dismantled car, which appeared in San Miguel del Padrón, linked her to the events.

"At the time she was detained, she said that her husband and two friends were behind Yorjelguis' disappearance and that the last time she saw the Cuban-American he was alive."said the YouTuber known as "Woody Alguacil Cubano" on Facebook.

His partner, the fourth person involved, was arrested this Wednesday in Guanabo, according to the independent press.

Regarding the discovery of the body, an unofficial version circulates on social networks thatpoint because the body was buried in the vicinity of the Institute of Animal Science (ICA). The victim's throat was slit and he received two stab wounds, said YouTuber Niover Licea.

In recent days avideo that showed the moment when an expert checked a car dismantled car found in a garage in Reparto Carolina, in the Havana municipality of San Miguel del Padrón, which turned out to be the victim's blue Chevrolet.

Bolaños Fernández resided in Texas, USA, and was visiting the country at the time of his disappearance. He was staying at his mother's house in the Madruga municipality. Born on January 3, 1983, Yorjelguis had just turned 41 when he was last seen. It left on Sunday, January 7 at 9:00 pm and from 11 p.m. From that same day his family did not hear from him again.

Yorjelguis Bolaños was the father of three children, one boy and two girls. The youngest is just four years old.

During the days of agonizing wait, relatives of the Cuban-American were willing to hand over $3,000 for "credible signs of life." Now they only demand the death penalty for those involved in the brutal murder.

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