Bread with pumpkin only reaches children under 14 years of age in Pinar del Río

Pinar del Río farmers assured that they are planting more pumpkins for incorporation into standardized bread.

The government of Pinar del Río confirmed thatBread from the supply book is guaranteed for children under 14 years of age who live in its territory.

This is what he reaffirmedJesus Alberto Moreno, productive technical deputy director of the Food Industry, when he admitted that“It only gives us enough to give bread to those children, nothing more”.

In a report published by local televisionTelePinar The preparation of this product was praised, as well as they assured that they had enough pumpkin for the preparation throughout the “temporality” of this measure.

The deputy director of the Food Industry in that province,Yuliesky Padilla, assured that there is joint work between said institution and the farmers producing pumpkin and cassava, of whom he said that "they have given a positive response to the fact that there is such a deficit of flour and we demand this product."

For its part,Mario Iglesias, head of production of the “Hermanos Barcón” Base Business Unit (UEB), stated that they have 14 hectares of pumpkin planted and that they are planting more.

A baker interviewed in the report said that this new way of making bread has brought them more work, and indeed, in the images you can see how they were peeling the pumpkin, even so he expressed that "the Revolution needs it and here we are."

Precisely, a latent concern among Cubans is related to the hygiene standards with which the pumpkin is processed and the products that may remain after cooking, which is done in an artisanal way, especially in the patios of houses and with firewood.

TelePinar He highlighted that due to the insufficient availability of wheat flour in the country, bread from the regulated family basket will not be able to be delivered to the population on a regular basis.

The Cuban State assures that it does not have the resources to import flour and that is why the raw materials are currently obtained in cooperation with private management forms.

Pinar del Río needs 36 tons of flour daily to make the bread that its population consumes. Since February 10, they reduced that amount to 30.5 tons and the difference was made up with the "extenders", but that is now over as well.

The fact is not endemic to that territory.Authorities from the Ministry of the Food Industry (MINAL) announced that until the end of March there will be severe effects on the delivery of bread from the regulated family basket. due to delays in the arrival of wheat shipments.

In Las Tunas, the Cuban government announced that it will only guarantee standardized bread for the urban area of the province on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Meanwhile, thecitizen complaints have not been long in coming.

A Cuban woman claimed to have found a piece of pumpkin with its shell in the bread at the bodega.

Facebook user "Mildrada Garcia Gama" published images of the product, where you can see the piece of pumpkin inside.

Another woman said she found a pumpkin seed in the bread: "If you are going to send bread made of pumpkin, please remove the seed because the children are going to choke," she said.

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