A Cuban woman has promised a reward to anyone who gives her information about the thief of a rechargeable fan that was stolen from inside her home.
"Be careful... This rechargeable fan is wanted. It was stolen from my home. I will reward anyone who gives detailed information about said equipment and the thug, that is, thief", wrote On March 4, Internet user Yarislai Creagh Pérez in the Facebook group Revolico Guantánamo 2023-2024.
"I pay well...You can call 56370293 or 58144049, otherwise privately"added the young woman, whose publication has no comments but has been shared nine times so far.
The victim of the theft did not specify when exactly the theft occurred or the address from which the appliance was stolen, but he did publish a couple of photos of the fan in question, with a 6V and 4.5Ah rechargeable battery.
In the midst of the growing wave of robberies that Cuban society has experienced in the last year, the offer offinancial rewards for information about missing relatives, stolen motorcycles or cars and even dogs, however This is still a unique case.
Nevertheless,Taking into account the high volume of blackouts in Cuba and the high temperatures that prevail almost all year round, a rechargeable fan takes on an importance that the Cuban victim of this theft has considered worthy of a reward.
It must be taken into account that this same Thursday the Electrical Union (UNE) reported that an impact of 1,280 MW. It is also known that the provinces in the interior of the country are the ones that suffer the most from interruptions in electrical service.
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