Amanda's father is tested for a possible liver transplant in Spain

For her part, Amanda maintains a good diet and new studies were carried out.

Amanda Lemus Ortiz y su mamá © Facebook/Lara Crofs
Amanda Lemus Ortiz and her mother Photo © Facebook/Lara Crofs

Emmanuel Lemus, he father of the girl Amanda who will also be the liver donor for his daughter, will undergo tests to determine the conditions under which he is exposed to said surgical intervention.

This was made known by the Cuban activist Yamilka Lafita, known on social networks as Lara Crofs in a new update she made on the social network. Facebook about the case of Amanda, who is admitted to the La Paz public hospital in Madrid.

Facebook Capture/Lara Crofs

The analyzes are respiratory, and include plaques in the lungs and beginning to perform the same study that had already been done in Cuba, among which the activist listed contrast tomography.

Regarding the little girl, he said that she was eating well, specifying that she eats porridge that contains beef with broccoli and carrots, in addition to drinking milk. “On that side we can be very calm,” he assured.

Regarding the treatment, he reported that since Amanda's arrival at the hospital "they began to put benadryline (diphenhydramine) in her vein, to relieve the incessant itching from which she suffers," although due to the drowsiness she was experiencing, the doctors decided to withdraw it. and evaluate that there were no other parameters wrong.

“The doctors there detected that her ammonium levels are a little high, and she is already being medicated for it.”

Facebook Capture/Lara Crofs

Likewise, an ultrasound performed detected that the sodium was low and they decided to do a complete study to see why this was happening.

He announced that "tomorrow a CT scan and a complete X-ray will be performed to determine if she has fractures in other bones and what the most effective treatment will be to stabilize her in the shortest possible time."

He warned that he will continue his informative work on Amanda's case, although the time difference may delay the immediate delivery of the information.

Amanda is admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the La Paz public hospital., in Madrid.

Doctors have confirmed that due to the serious deterioration of her health it is impossible to undergo any operation. and you will have to wait at least three weeks.

The case achieved great notoriety on social networks since the end of January after The little girl's mother asked for forgiveness in an emotional post on Facebook, for not being able to offer him the medical care and treatment he needs.

His words immediately mobilized thousands of Cubans, inside and outside the Island, who They offered financial and emotional support to the family.

Recently, on social networks there has been a called to fill with gratitude the Spanish hospital that received the case.

“The idea is that we all write as thanks from the Cuban people (and NOT THE DICTATORSHIP) for the care of patient Amanda Lemus Ortiz (Date of Birth 12/31/2021),” wrote the Cuban doctor Lucio Enriquez Nodarse in X, to motivate the Cuban community, which was so active in the fundraising campaign that finally achieved Amanda's transfer.

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