Protesters boo and call the secretary of the Communist Party a "liar" in Santiago de Cuba

The protest that began in the Reparto Veguita de Galo heated up to the point that the words of Beatriz Jhonson Urrutia failed to appease popular discontent. Shouting “We don't want a tooth” and “Liar,” the people of Santiago interrupted their speech.

The Cubans who this SundayThey demonstrated in Santiago's Reparto de Veguita de Galo They booed the presence of the provincial authorities and interrupted the secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC), Beatriz Jhonson Urrutia, shouting “liar.”

Government and PCC authorities in Santiago de CubaThey went up to the roof of a house and tried to calm the protesters' spirits. However, far from achieving this, they increased their cries of protest in the presence of the police.

“We are hungry, we are hungry”dozens of people shouted as recorded in videos where women, men, young people, the elderly and children were seen shouting without fear at the MININT repressors.

The atmosphere heated up to the point that Jhonson Urrutia's words failed to appease popular discontent.Shouting “We don't want a tooth” and “Liar”, the people of Santiago interrupted their speech.

In another video shared on social networks, Jhonson Urrutia was seen on the street, surrounded by the crowd that chanted to applause:“¡We want food!”.

Minutes later, the networks shared images ofthe “miraculous” arrival of trucks loaded with food in Santiago de Cuba. This Monday, Johnson Urrutia went to his social networks tocommit to delivering to the population three pounds of rice and four pounds of sugar.

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