Another fuel ship arrives in Matanzas and Guiteras announces departure for maintenance in October

“For those who do not want us to receive oil... two ships. Don't panic, fuel is also being received, eh?" said official journalist José Miguel Solís on his social networks.

Tanquero Nordic entrando en Bahía de Matanzas © Facebook / José Miguel Solís
Nordic tanker entering Matanzas Bay Photo © Facebook / José Miguel Solís

Another ship loaded withcombustible arrived this Saturday atMatanzas to alleviate the hydrocarbon crisis in Cuba. For its part, the mainthermoelectric of the country, located in this same province, announced that it will carry out a maintenance stoppage next October.

This was reported in hissocial networks the official journalistJose Miguel Solís, who did not offer details of the shipment ofPetroleum received, nor the quantity, price or supplying country of the fuel.

Facebook screenshot / José Miguel Solís

“Well yes, another ship loaded with... Up to the Matanzas supertanker base. Hurray!" wrote the journalist on Facebook in a striking way of communicating news to the population about such a sensitive topic, related to blackouts andtransportation crisis.

In this regard, the independent mediaDiario de Cuba (DDC) reported that it could be the tanker Nordic, which would be arriving this Friday in Matanzas with a cargo of approximately 60,000 tons of oil.

A tracking of the ship's itinerary carried out by the aforementioned media through the siteVessel Finder, shed light on the strange route of the ship before arriving in Matanzas, with a stop in Puerto Grande, in Cape Verde, and at the Dakar anchorage, in Senegal.

"We are almost 100% sure that the Nordic is the second tanker carrying Russian oil bound for Cuba, as it loaded at the port of Ust-Luga on February 12," he told DDC.Jorge Piñon, director of the Energy Program for Latin America and the Caribbean at the University of Texas.

For the expert, the vessel's navigation data seems to deliberately hide the origin of the cargo and the type of operation involved in a movement that leaves a trail as confusing as it is mysterious.

“They were to mislead its true origin,” said Piñón about the ship's various stops, which also included a one-day stay in the port of Skagen, in Denmark. "We have to be honest: we could be wrong, but..." said the expert, leaving the suspicion surrounding the ship's cargo in the air.

Facebook screenshot / José Miguel Solís

The arrival of the Nordic loaded with fuel was confirmed this Saturday by Solís. “For those who do not want us to receive oil... two ships,” said the official journalist in hissocial networks, revealing in a veiled way that the shipment comes from Russia.

"The Antonio Guiteras thermoelectric plant is preparing a strategy for general maintenance for the month of October... Don't panic because fuel is also being received, eh?" Solís said on Friday on his social networks, offering information on vital issues for the economy and citizens with an ironic and jocular tone inappropriate for the seriousness of the matter.

Facebook screenshot / José Miguel Solís

At the end of March, the Cuban regime confirmedthe arrival of a Russian ship with more than 90 thousand tons of oil which was unloaded at the Matanzas Supertanker Base, according to brief information offered by the Ministry of Energy and Mines.

“Already at the dock of the Matanzas Supertanker Base, a ship with more than 90 thousand tons of Russian oil,” they said from that government entity. The arrival of the fuel shipment brought relief to the regime two weeks afterthe protests that shook the Island between March 17 and 18.

Hours after these protests,the thermoelectric Guiteras synchronized to the national electric energy system (SEN), after a couple of weeks days of maintenance. However, the Cuban regime warned that this would not solve the problem of blackouts in the country, marked by the fuel crisis.

The discomfort that the population suffers withblackouts It goes beyond not having light to do daily activities. Without electrical service, buildings are left without water and you cannot cook, wash clothes, or even flush a toilet.

Many families cannot prepare their food, because they only have electric cookers. The little food people have runs the risk of being damaged by the heat in Cuba.

Those who suffer the blackout in Cuba cannot even sleep, because mosquitoes are a plague spread throughout the country and do not give a minute of peace. The inability to rest is, as the days go by, a torture that generates more and more physical and emotional discomfort in people.

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