Russia expels four more Cuban migrants

Putin called to contain illegal immigration after the Moscow attacks.

Cubanos trabajando en Moscú © Captura de video/Youtube
Cubans working in Moscow Photo © Video Capture/Youtube

Russia will expel four other Cuban migrants who were in the country without documentation, in the context of the crusade against illegal immigrants promoted by President Vladimir Putin after the recent terrorist attack near Moscow.

The local media Tula Press reported that in that town four Cuban citizens were fined and "will be expelled from Russia by the Proletarsky district court of Tula."

According to the note, the migrants "violated immigration legislation" by not having "documents that authorized their stay in the territory of the Russian Federation."

The media explains that administrative cases were initiated against the women under part 1.1 of article 18.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses; and that the migrants were fined between 2,000 and 3,000 rubles.

In addition, the forced expulsion from the country of three of them was ordered, since one promised to leave the country on her own.

These expulsions are added to another group of similar measures taken in recent weeks, when several Cubans have been expelled from Russia following Putin's calls to "contain illegal emigration" in response to the terrorist attack near Moscow last March 22.

A statement on the portal Bez Formata reported a week ago that on March 30 a Cuban woman and her children minors were detained 3,600 meters from the state border of the Russian Federation and expelled.

Likewise, the medium He said that a tourist from Cuba was detained in Ivanovo, and after verifying that he had violated the period of stay in the country, he was fined and expelled from the country.

The man arrived in Russian territory in August 2023 and after the deadline established by the authorities for tourism expired, he did not request the immigration registration authorities to resolve his immigration status.

For his part, the Zen News confirmed a new case resolved in a court in Aleksin, which forcibly deported two Cuban citizens who violated the residency regime, as reported by the Joint Press Service of the judicial system of the Tula region.

These expulsions occur after the attack on March 22 in a theater near Moscow that left at least 150 dead.

Putin called to combat illegal immigration, claiming that Russia has paid "a high price and the entire analysis of the situation must be extremely objective and professional."

He called to contain the flow of illegal immigrants, including Cubans, who have been able to travel to that nation without a visa for a period of 90 days for several years.

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