Cuban judge hangs up her robe for bodybuilding

Gabriela's surprising transition: From judge to bodybuilding icon in Pinar del Río.

Gabriela Photo © Guerrillero

Gabriela, who for six years served asjudge in Pinar del Río, decided to take a different path in his professional life to dedicate himself to bodybuilding.

Despite her love and dedication to the law, this young Cuban is committed to dedicating herself completely to bodybuilding, a sporting discipline that she has always been passionate about.

Facebook Guerrilla Newspaper

Gabriela exhibits her commitment to sport and her remarkable physical beauty, training every day at the well-known El Coliseo gym, in Pinar del Río, where she is a distinguished figure among fitness enthusiasts.

Gabriela at El Coliseo Gym

She is not the only case in Pinar del Río where professional figures opt for the world of bodybuilding. Last year the story ofKarla Pérez Rubier, a young dentist immersed in this sport.

Rubier explained that the search for personal improvement and the aesthetics of exercise have been his main motivations. They were his impetus to participate in the Classic Cuban National Bodybuilding Championship.

Since 2015, interest in bodybuilding has been increasing on the island, with events such as the national championships promoted by theCuban Bodybuilding and Fitness Association.

Although INDER has not provided significant support to this sport, athletes continue to strive to gain recognition and improve their conditions, acquiring equipment with their own financial efforts and innovating their training methods using what they have.

In the current context, maintaining an active lifestyle in Cuba can be challenging, as relatedLili Lastres through a video on social networks.

The young fitness enthusiast explained the difficult food decisions she faces daily due to the precariousness and scarcity of food on the island, which prevents her from having a healthy and balanced diet.

Between dilemmas about what to eat and when, it highlights the daily adversities of Cubans trying to maintain a fitness routine on the island.

"No one imagines what those of us who love the gym in Cuba go through every day, overcoming unthinkable obstacles to achieve results," he said.

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