They raise funds to repatriate remains of a young Cuban murdered in Greece

In just two days, the fundraising campaign has exceeded the 4,000 euros that the family of Carlos Yohan Ramírez Pérez needs to cover the expenses of cremation and transportation of his ashes to Cuba.

Carlos Yohan Ramírez Pérez © Cortesía de la familia a CiberCuba
Carlos Yohan Ramírez Pérez Photo © Courtesy of the family to CiberCuba

Family and friends of Carlos Yohan Ramírez Pérez, he young Cuban who was murdered this Sunday in Athens, Greece, managed to raise the necessary funds to repatriate his remains to Cuba, where his loved ones will be able to say goodbye.

In just two days, the fundraising campaign has exceeded the 4,000 euros that the family needs to cover the expenses of cremation and transportation of their ashes to their homeland, thanks to the collaboration of dozens of people aware of the terrible loss. However, monetary contributions continue.

The request on site GiveSendGo He appealed to everyone who could help to “give him the farewell he deserves” to the 26-year-old, described by those who knew him as “a great light in this world, a wonderful person inside and out, always with a bright smile".


“He will always be with us and we will never stop fighting to get the justice he deserves,” said the text, which stressed that “Carlos was sadly separated from this world by the cruel hands of a depraved man.”

Ramírez, a native of Playa Girón, Matanzas, and a resident of Atenas for three years, was brutally stabbed until death by her ex-partner, also Cuban Rafael Bacaro López, 36, who had traveled to Greece from the United States, where he lives.

After the horrendous crime, Bacaro tried to take his own life with the same knife he used to attack his victim. He was taken to a hospital, where he remained seriously injured until Monday, according to Greek media.

The previous week, Ramírez had reported to the police the threats and physical assault of Bacaro, who tried to strangle him, he told CyberCuba the young man's sister, Yanela Hernandez.

When he went to the authorities, Ramírez “He had bruises all over his face and visible marks all over his body.”Hernández revealed.

Bacaro was arrested, brought before a prosecutor, charged and sent to stand trial. at the Athens Automatic Misdemeanors Court. However, The authorities released him until the trial, which was scheduled for this Tuesday.

The murderer was hanging around the building where Ramírez lived and, on Sunday at noon, he entered through a window of the apartment and “stabbed him more than 10 times”Hernández told this newspaper, in the midst of immense pain over the loss of his brother.

The family is devastated by the tragic death of their loved one and waits for justice to be done and the murderer to pay for the crime that cut short the life of young Carlos Yohan Ramírez Pérez.

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