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The majority of Cubans residing in the United States have obtained citizenship

Cuba is the seventh nationality with the most people in the United States.

Ciudadanía estadounidense (imagen de referencia) © Goodfon / Artyn
US Citizenship (Reference Image) Photo © Goodfon / Artyn

The Cuban community residing in the United States shows a notable trend towards naturalization in that country, with a significant majority of its members obtaining US citizenship.

A report ofUnited States naturalization policy, updated on April 15, 2024, indicates that Cuba is the seventh nationality with the most people residing in the country, specifically 1,314,330 cases.

Data from the official report of the United States government

Of the total, approximately64% are already citizens of the northern country, the6% are not eligible to have US citizenship and30% could get it In a short time, that would be 390,000 people.

During fiscal year 2022, some 46,913 Cubans obtained citizenship, being the fourth nationality with the most naturalizations, only surpassed by immigrants from the Philippines, India and Mexico. These figures highlight the importance of the Cuban community in the United States immigration context.

More than 33,000 Cubans They became American citizens in 2023. That year there were a total of 878,500 new naturalized citizens of various nationalities in the United States.

The steady flow of Cuban migrants shows no signs of slowing down. In the last two years, at least533,000 Cubans arrived in the United States, which represents 4.8% of the 11.1 million inhabitants of Cuba.

It is estimated that more than 153,000 Cubans entered the United States territory irregularly in 2023, according to a statement from the Customs and Border Protection Office (CBP).

Florida is the epicenter of the Cuban diaspora in the United States, with almost a million Cubans who have chosen this state as their home since the beginning of the exodus in 1959. This has significantly transformed the demographic composition of the Sunshine State.

In terms of eligibility for naturalization, Cubans show a high proportion of people who can achieve it. The United States' favorable policy toward the island's refugees has in many cases facilitated their path to permanent legal residence and citizenship.

This phenomenon not only reflects theintegration of Cubans into American society, but also its impact on the country's culture and economy, thus consolidating its presence in the social fabric of the United States.

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