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Cubans wait in long line to register for Hialeah Housing Plan 8

“That is my only hope,” admitted a Cuban who is helpless.

This Monday and Tuesday the John F. Kennedy Library in Hialeah offers help until 3:30 p.m. to people who do not have access to the internet or who have problems registering online atPlan 8, aimed at low-income families looking to rent a home.

This April 22, dozens of people, many of them elderly people of Cuban origin, stood in line at the city library with a view to completing the registration to join the program's waiting list.

Applications will be accepted until April 29.

“I find myselfhomeless and I have nowhere to be. That's my only hope. I have applied four times and have not had the opportunity. I hope to see if God is with me and I can have the opportunity to obtain a home,” Dianelys Zalamanca said almost through tears in statements toTelemundo 51.

“I've been here since 3 p.m. with a group of elderly, very elderly people. This proves the crisis that exists in Hialeah and worldwide,” said another older adult of Cuban origin, who after completing the wait said it had been worth the wait and she hoped she would be lucky.

“I have two surgeries and I am disabled,” explained another elderly Cuban woman, while a fourth detailed

Those interested in applying the program online can do so until next Sunday on the website

José Ponce, an official with the Hialeah Housing Authority, explained that during this process to enter the waiting list, preference will be given to the elderly, the homeless and those who are disabled.

In this lottery, 1,000 people will be chosen for the waiting list.

Those interested in coming to the John F. Kennedy Library in Hialeah this Tuesday to receive help registering should bring the following information: full legal name, social security number, date of birth and income information for all members of the library. home.

The plan is limited to low-income families. The main criteria used to determine an applicant's eligibility are income limits.

At least one family member listed on the application must be a United States citizen or legal immigrant to be eligible and the head of the household must be over 18 years of age to apply.

The qualifying salary table posted on the program sitevouchers for Plan 8 it has the following limits:

Qualifying salary table for Plan 8

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