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Children carry knives on the boardwalk of Santiago de Cuba

"They should be at home studying, but they are at this very moment jumping into the polluted bay, where the drains from nearby neighborhoods empty."

SeveralChildren carrying knives were seen on the boardwalk of Santiago de Cuba, where they go to bathe in polluted waters.

A witness who saw them took photos and sent a video to the independent journalist.Yosmany Mayeta Labrada, who published them on his profileFacebook.

Captura de Facebook / Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

In the publication you can see theminors, with machetes among their belongings, bathing and enjoying the place.

Photo: Facebook / Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

"They should be at home studying after classes restarted yesterday, Monday, but, nevertheless, they find themselves at this precise moment tirinto the polluted bay, where drains from nearby neighborhoods empty"lamented the reporter.

Photo: Facebook / Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

Mayeta Labrada recalled that in that same area, one morning at the beginning of the year, a young man who lived in the town "Los Cangrejitos", known for his imitations of Michael Jackson, drowned, who jumped drunk into the water.

He was referring toYunier La Verdecia Wilson, 38 years old, who drowned on January 1st in Santiago Bay.

"I call on the public order authorities, the city firefighters, the Santiago de Cuba Red Cross and the provincial authorities to be concerned about this case that is happening right now," he demanded.

He also asked his followers that if they recognize the children, they should notify their relatives.

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